A simple ruby on rails sitemap generator
SitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with automatic Rails integration. It supports Video, News, Image, Mobile, PageMap and Alternate Links sitemap extensions and includes Rake tasks for managing your sitemaps, as well as many other great features.
Automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Jekyll site.
Ruby Gem to parse sitemaps.org compliant sitemaps.
Dynamic Sitemaps is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that enables you to easily create flexible, dynamic sitemaps for Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Provides a wrapper to generate XML sitemaps and sitemap indexes.
BigSitemap is a Sitemapgenerator suitable for applications with greater than 50,000 URLs. It splits large Sitemaps into multiple files, gzips the files to minimize bandwidth usage, batches database queries to minimize memory usage, supports increment updates, can be set up with just a few lines of code and is compatible with just about any framework.
Adds a sitemap.xml file (following the sitemaps.org protocol) to your Middleman site for major search engines including Google.
Builds a sitemap.xml for your site
middleman-robots create robots.txt includes Allow or Disallow and sitemap path.
YARD plugin to build a sitemap.xml for generated HTML documentation.
Ruby on Rails plugin that automatically notifies Google, Bing, and Yahoo of changes to your models, i.e. changes to your sitemap.
Automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Bridgetown site.
MassiveSitemap - build huge sitemaps painfree. Differential updates keeps generation time short and reduces load on DB. It's heavealy inspired by BigSitemaps and offers compatiable API
Google sitemap for Spree stores
Robotstxt Parser allows you to the check the accessibility of URLs and get other data. Full support for the robots.txt RFC, wildcards and Sitemap: rules.
Middleman extension to ping search engines (Google and Bing) with a sitemap URL
Install as a plugin or Gem to easily generate ['enterprise-class'][enterprise_class] Google Sitemaps for your Rails site, using a simple 'Rails Routes'-like DSL and a single rake task.
Robotstxt-Parser allows you to the check the accessibility of URLs and get other data. Full support for the robots.txt RFC, wildcards and Sitemap: rules.
A Sitemap generator specifically designed for large sites (although it works equally well with small sites)
Blacklight sitemap rake task.
This module generates XML Sitemaps for BrowserCMS Projects
A simple gem for pinging search engines with your XML sitemap
Your friendly gem to produce Google News sitemap compatible xml file.
SitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with automatic Rails integration. It supports Video, News, Image, Geo, Mobile, PageMap and Alternate Links sitemap extensions and includes Rake tasks for managing your sitemaps, as well as many other great features.
SitemapGenerator tasks for Mina.
longer description of your gem
Sitemapper helps you to apply SEO techniques on your Ruby on Rails application, including auto generation of a sitemap.
Adds search feature for pages, snippets, layouts, et al.
Post URLs to Wayback Machine (Internet Archive), using a crawler, from Sitemap(s) or a list of URLs.
A simple sitemap generator
Dynamic sitemap.xml for BLacklight
SitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with automatic Rails integration. It supports Video, News, Image, Geo, Mobile, PageMap and Alternate Links sitemap extensions and includes Rake tasks for managing your sitemaps, as well as many other great features.
SiteMap Checker
BigSitemap is a Sitemapgenerator suitable for applications with greater than 50,000 URLs. It splits large Sitemaps into multiple files, gzips the files to minimize bandwidth usage, batches database queries to minimize memory usage, supports increment updates, can be set up with just a few lines of code and is compatible with just about any framework.
Duck Map is a Rails 4.x compliant gem providing support for dynamically generating sitemaps and meta tags in HTML page headers.
An easy way to index sitemap and search through it. Based on Amazon CloudSearch.
Retrieve and parse sitemaps, according to the sitemaps.org spec.
Sitemap submitter module for BrowserCMS, which enables submission of sitemap to different search engines
SiteMap provides a way to model out your site's views in a hierarchal fashion.
Assists in the creation of sitemaps that google, yahoo, etc, use. Has finding, rewriting, and attribute manipulation before generation. Does not require any external dependency other than haml.
Super DRY Sitemaps for Rails and Sinatra Apps
Sitemaps for RSpec
Interactive sitemap view in editor-
Provides a sitemap file for Spree
A generator sitemap based on directory structure
Ruby library to generate sitemap for DataCite Commons.
Description of RailsSitemap.
Rails plugins to build sitemap.xml
SitemapGenerator is a Rails gem that makes it easy to generate enterprise-class Sitemaps readable by all search engines. Generated Sitemaps adhere to the Sitemap protocol specification. When you generate new Sitemaps, SitemapGenerator can automatically ping the major search engines (including Google, Yahoo and Bing) to notify them. SitemapGenerator includes rake tasks to easily manage your sitemaps.