A mock SMTP/POP3 server to aid in the development of applications with mail functionality.
Use rspec-mocks with minitest. A description of what this does doesn't get longer than that.
Provides method call assertions for minitest
This is an asset gem version of the Pivotal jasmine mock ajax library
MockServer enables easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS with clients written in Java, JavaScript and Ruby and a simple REST API (as shown below). MockServer Proxy is a proxy that introspects all proxied traffic including encrypted SSL traffic and supports Port Forwarding, Web Proxying (i.e. HTTP proxy), HTTPS Tunneling Proxying (using HTTP CONNECT) and SOCKS Proxying (i.e. dynamic port forwarding). Both MockServer and the MockServer Proxy record all received requests so that it is possible to verify exactly what requests have been sent by the system under test.
Simple wrapper over WireMock
Create mock server from Openapi specification
Simple FTP server written in pure Ruby, allowing integration testing of FTP client code without mocks and stubs
Makes your MiniTest mocks more resilient.
💎 Ruby SMTP mock. Mimic any SMTP server behavior for your test environment.
Test spy for any object. It makes mocks obsolete so you don't have to be worried about where to put the expectations (i.e. before or after the subject method).
A tool for verifying mock object assumptions
Port of facon mocking library to rubymotion.
MockFS is a test-obsessed library for mocking out the entire file system. It provides mock objects that clone the functionality of File, FileUtils, Dir, and other in-Ruby file-access libraries.
Awesome mocks of external REST API dependencies
Dead simple mocking for HTTP services, a Sinatra app
Adds methods to JsonApiClient allowing you to easily mock test results
mrubyc-test is an unit test framework for mruby/c, supporting basic assertions, stub and mock.
mini/test is a completely minimial drop-in replacement for ruby's test/unit. This is meant to be clean and easy to use both as a regular test writer and for language implementors that need a minimal set of methods to bootstrap a working unit test suite. mini/spec is a functionally complete spec engine. mini/mock, by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock object framework.
WebMock for shell commands
A fast, tiny (82 lines) hybrid mocking library that supports classical and partial mocking. Partial mocking mixes classical mocking with real objects. There's no monkey patching `Object` or copying. Mock objects are isolated leaving real objects completely untainted.
Provides a mock service for use with Pact
Plugin for contracts.ruby that fixes issues with rspec-mocks.
Tiny local server. Useful to mock servers in integration tests.
EasyPrompt is a utility for command-line scripts. It handles prompts and default values, and also provides a testing facility for mocking out the command-line user.
Moxy is a mock (programmable) proxy
Simple library for mocking Tzu in RSpec
Library for mocking CLI calls to external APIs
generador de url de busqueda
Record and replay object interactions. Ideal for mocking not-http services when testing (just because, for http, VCR is probably what you want)
RSpec matchers for testing mocked OpenTracing instrumentations
Base classes to use for testing (based on MbUnit or Nunit) that enforce Given, When, Then style with auto mocking facilities
Program your tests as normal scripts without dependencies, mocks, stubs and rules.
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails application. The package provides functionality to create payment forms, handling and storing notifications sent by Adyen and consuming the SOAP services provided by Adyen. Moreover, it contains helper methods, mocks and matchers to simpify writing tests/specsfor your code.
Facilitates float comparisons in mocks
If you want your tests to be isolated, you need mocks. Mocking GUIs is hard. shoes-mocks to the rescue!
Automocking implementation of the IoC
A tiny mocking framework focused on the Arrange-Act-Assert test pattern. Grasshopper is heavily modeled after Mockito.
Aidmock, safe mocking and interfacing for Ruby
HTTP server mocking tool
Capture all calls to segment.io and prevent them from being sent.
rspec-mocks with additional diagnostics
Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.
SixArm.com » Ruby » ActiveRecord mock object for methods read_attribute and write_attribute
A strict, ordered, expectation-oriented mock object library. DISCONTINUED AS OF JAN 2011, see Readme
A mock SMTP server that can be run and inspected from tests. The server runs in memory and received messages can be retrieved.
Mocking library for sensu
Mocks web services by plugging Net::Http straight into Rack
Some simple cucumber steps to allow behavioural testing with the Mailcatcher mock SMTP server
auto define mock_xxx methods