CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate XML reports of your test, spec and/or feature runs. The resulting files can be read by a continuous integration system that understands Ant's JUnit report XML format, thus allowing your CI system to track test/spec successes and failures.
TKXXS provides a very simple and very easy to use GUI (graphical user interface) for Ruby; It gives you a persistent output window and popping up (modal) dialogs for input; For a screenshot, see: <tt></tt>; I tested it on Windows, only; Got user report, that it works on Ubuntu, too. TKXXS shall: * improve the usability of little applications, which otherwise would use a command line interface (CLI); for example by a GUI-file chooser * give a simple GUI front-end for apps, which take parameters on the command line. (stdout can easily be redirected to the OutputWindow.) * take only little more effort and coding time over programming a CLI; * be able to easily upgrade existing CLI-applications; * be comfortable in use (e.g. provide incremental search, tool-tip-help, ...); * be easy to install. Drawbacks: * I'v tested it only on Windows, but got user report, that it works on Ubuntu, too.l * For sure some more drawbacks which I'm not aware of now. TKXXS uses TK (easy to install).
rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...
rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...
Generates JUnit or HTML report from Xcode `plist` test report files.
Allows you to provide an exclusion list of allowed failures/errors. Failures and errors on this list still get run and reported as usual, but do not cause a non-zero exit code. This enables you to have a green CI with against a list of known bad tests.
This tool helps visualize which directories are occupying the most storage. Any directory that occupies more than 5% of used disk space is added to a visual hierarchichal storage report in the form of a Google Sankey diagram. The storage data is gathered using the linux `du` utility. It has been tested on Mac OSX and linux systems (Ubuntu & CentOS), will not work on Windows. Run as sudo if analyzing otherwise inaccessible directories. May take a while to run.
A news gem/plugin for the Cinch IRC bot framework that uses a FeedZilla API. You can visit irc:// #Lobby to get help, report issues , test the gem, or just chat.
QA Robusta is an automation framework easing pain points away from automation test case writers. How is pain relieved? * Elements, such as links, buttons, and other html objects are defined in one location. This ensures over time the user won't have definitions spread out throughout different layers of code requiring time consuming updates if the application under test is modified. * Well defined flows allows the user to have a common means for navigating and controlling interactions with the application under test. This takes all logic out of test classes and yields in higher more modular code re-use. * When an application requiring testing has the elements and flows implemented less code savy resources can easily add new test cases once trained on how to access the flows and elements. * When ever a link or button is clicked a screen shot is taken * Results are available under site/results directory in html format. Report includes the rdoc on a per test class method along with any screen shots taken. Example report: * Transparent remote Unix command execution leading to well defined interfaces for common task. For example, one may have a class defined specifically for RemoteUnixNetwork. This class would have methods such as, assign_ip, ifup, ifdown, etc. This class then would be able to perform these task on any remote Unix machine. * Executes the same on Windows or Linux/Unix environments. Developers have the freedom to develop on the platform of choice. * Mechanize extension: Allows the user to define a web application's page elements in a YAML format and provide navigation paths accessing the YAML structure to interact with the web application. Users can also perform direct or any other mechanize functionality when defining state-full interfaces to hit a web application without going through a browser.
For example: collection.should all_be > 0 will specify that each element of the collection should be greater than zero. Each element of the collection that fails the test will be reported in the error message.
Get test data from RunScope and easily report incidents to, all with one gem.
Modified version of `Minitest::Reporters::SpecReporter` which prints test results in alphabetical order, grouped by test class.
"Tiny simple gem which cleans your cucumber JSON reports from redundant info and compares report from your last test run and report from previous test run. After it you'll receive a test run summary to desired slack channel. Please note that in order to use slack integration - you'll need to configure dotenv gem with your Slack credentials"
Generates a CSS coverage report and tests for minimum coverage
QAT Reporter is a collection of tool for generating test report information such as: - Requirement Coverage - Time Measurements
== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES: - Full programmmatic access to EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. - Complete error handling: all operations check for errors and report complete error information by raising an AwsError. - Persistent HTTP connections with robust network-level retry layer using RightHttpConnection). This includes socket timeouts and retries. - Robust HTTP-level retry layer. Certain (user-adjustable) HTTP errors returned by Amazon's services are classified as temporary errors. These errors are automaticallly retried using exponentially increasing intervals. The number of retries is user-configurable. - Fast REXML-based parsing of responses (as fast as a pure Ruby solution allows). - Uses libxml (if available) for faster response parsing. - Support for large S3 list operations. Buckets and key subfolders containing many (> 1000) keys are listed in entirety. Operations based on list (like bucket clear) work on arbitrary numbers of keys. - Support for streaming GETs from S3, and streaming PUTs to S3 if the data source is a file. - Support for single-threaded usage, multithreaded usage, as well as usage with multiple AWS accounts. - Support for both first- and second-generation SQS (API versions 2007-05-01 and 2008-01-01). These versions of SQS are not compatible. - Support for signature versions 0 and 1 on SQS, SDB, and EC2. - Interoperability with any cloud running Eucalyptus ( - Test suite (requires AWS account to do "live" testing).
I am testing for dependency confusion vulnerabilities in products that are in public bug bounty programs. This code is reporting-only, and does not do anything malicious.
I am testing for dependency confusion vulnerabilities in products that are in public bug bounty programs. This code is reporting-only, and does not do anything malicious.
A simple plugin to check if a website is up or down. You can visit irc:// #Lobby to get help, report issues , test the gem, or just chat.
CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate XML reports of your test, spec and/or feature runs. The resulting files can be read by a continuous integration system that understands Ant's JUnit report XML format, thus allowing your CI system to track test/spec successes and failures.
== ICU4R - ICU Unicode bindings for Ruby ICU4R is an attempt to provide better Unicode support for Ruby, where it lacks for a long time. Current code is mostly rewritten string.c from Ruby 1.8.3. ICU4R is Ruby C-extension binding for ICU library[1] and provides following classes and functionality: * UString: - String-like class with internal UTF16 storage; - UCA rules for UString comparisons (<=>, casecmp); - encoding(codepage) conversion; \ - Unicode normalization; - transliteration, also rule-based; Bunch of locale-sensitive functions: - upcase/downcase; - string collation; \ - string search; - iterators over text line/word/char/sentence breaks; \ - message formatting (number/currency/string/time); - date and number parsing. * URegexp - unicode regular expressions. * UResourceBundle - access to resource bundles, including ICU locale data. * UCalendar - date manipulation and timezone info. * UConverter - codepage conversions API * UCollator - locale-sensitive string comparison == Install and usage > ruby extconf.rb > make && make check > make install Now, in your scripts just require 'icu4r'. To create RDoc, run > sh tools/ == Requirements To build and use ICU4R you will need GCC and ICU v3.4 libraries[2]. == Differences from Ruby String and Regexp classes === UString vs String 1. UString substring/index methods use UTF16 codeunit indexes, not code points. 2. UString supports most methods from String class. Missing methods are: capitalize, capitalize!, swapcase, swapcase! %, center, ljust, rjust chomp, chomp!, chop, chop! \ count, delete, delete!, squeeze, squeeze!, tr, tr!, tr_s, tr_s! crypt, intern, sum, unpack dump, each_byte, each_line hex, oct, to_i, to_sym reverse, reverse! succ, succ!, next, next!, upto 3. Instead of String#% method, UString#format is provided. See FORMATTING for short reference. 4. UStrings can be created via String.to_u(encoding='utf8') or global u(str,[encoding='utf8']) calls. Note that +encoding+ parameter must be value of String class. 5. There's difference between character grapheme, codepoint and codeunit. See UNICODE reports for gory details, but in short: locale dependent notion of character can be presented using more than one codepoint - base letter and combining (accents) (also possible more than one!), and each codepoint can require more than one codeunit to store (for UTF8 codeunit size is 8bit, though \ some codepoints require up to 4bytes). So, UString has normalization and locale dependent break iterators. 6. Currently UString doesn't include Enumerable module. 7. UString index/[] methods which accept URegexp, throw exception if Regexp passed. 8. UString#<=>, UString#casecmp use UCA rules. === URegexp UString uses ICU regexp library. Pattern syntax is described in [./docs/UNICODE_REGEXPS] and ICU docs. There are some differences between processing in Ruby Regexp and URegexp: 1. When UString#sub, UString#gsub are called with block, special vars ($~, $&, $1, ...) aren't set, as their values are processed through deep ruby core code. Instead, block receives UMatch object, which is essentially immutable array of matching groups: "test".u.gsub(ure("(e)(.)")) do |match| \ puts match[0] # => 'es' <--> $& puts match[1] # => 'e' \ <--> $1 puts match[2] # => 's' <--> $2 end 2. In URegexp search pattern backreferences are in form \n (\1, \2, ...), in replacement string - in form $1, $2, ... NOTE: URegexp considers char to be a digit NOT ONLY ASCII (0x0030-0x0039), but any Unicode char, which has property Decimal digit number (Nd), e.g.: a = [?$, 0x1D7D9].pack("U*").u * 2 puts a.inspect_names <U000024>DOLLAR SIGN <U01D7D9>MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ONE <U000024>DOLLAR SIGN <U01D7D9>MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ONE puts "abracadabra".u.gsub(/(b)/.U, a) abbracadabbra \ 3. One can create URegexp using global Kernel#ure function, Regexp#U, Regexp#to_u, or from UString using, e.g: /pattern/.U =~ "string".u 4. There are differences about Regexp and URegexp multiline matching options: t = "text\ntest" # ^,$ handling : URegexp multiline <-> Ruby default t.u =~ ure('^\w+$', URegexp::MULTILINE) => #<UMatch:0xf6f7de04 @ranges=[0..3], @cg=[\u0074\u0065\u0078\u0074]> t =~ /^\w+$/ => 0 # . matches \n : URegexp DOTALL <-> /m t.u =~ ure('.+test', URegexp::DOTALL) \ => #<UMatch:0xf6fa4d88 ... t.u =~ /.+test/m 5. UMatch.range(idx) returns range for capturing group idx. This range is in codeunits. === References 1. ICU Official Homepage 2. ICU downloads \ 3. ICU Home Page 4. Unicode Home Page ==== BUGS, DOCS, TO DO The code is slow and inefficient yet, is still highly experimental, so can have many security and memory leaks, bugs, inconsistent documentation, incomplete test suite. Use it at your own risk. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome :) === Copying This extension module is copyrighted free software by Nikolai Lugovoi. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of MIT License. Nikolai Lugovoi <>
Similatron reports similarities between images, PDFs, or plain text files.It's particularly useful for tests for image generating functionalities
== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES: - Full programmmatic access to EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. - Complete error handling: all operations check for errors and report complete error information by raising an AwsError. - Persistent HTTP connections with robust network-level retry layer using RightHttpConnection). This includes socket timeouts and retries. - Robust HTTP-level retry layer. Certain (user-adjustable) HTTP errors returned by Amazon's services are classified as temporary errors. These errors are automaticallly retried using exponentially increasing intervals. The number of retries is user-configurable. - Fast REXML-based parsing of responses (as fast as a pure Ruby solution allows). - Uses libxml (if available) for faster response parsing. - Support for large S3 list operations. Buckets and key subfolders containing many (> 1000) keys are listed in entirety. Operations based on list (like bucket clear) work on arbitrary numbers of keys. - Support for streaming GETs from S3, and streaming PUTs to S3 if the data source is a file. - Support for single-threaded usage, multithreaded usage, as well as usage with multiple AWS accounts. - Support for both first- and second-generation SQS (API versions 2007-05-01 and 2008-01-01). These versions of SQS are not compatible. - Support for signature versions 0 and 1 on SQS, SDB, and EC2. - Interoperability with any cloud running Eucalyptus ( - Test suite (requires AWS account to do "live" testing).
rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...
A Ruby library to generate Test::Unit reports in HTML format
# Rake::ToolkitProgram Create toolkit programs easily with `Rake` and `OptionParser` syntax. Bash completions and usage help are baked in. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'rake-toolkit_program' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install rake-toolkit_program ## Quickstart * Shebang it up (in a file named `awesome_tool.rb`) ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby ``` * Require the library ```ruby require 'rake/toolkit_program' ``` * Make your life easier ```ruby Program = Rake::ToolkitProgram ``` * Define your command tasks ```ruby Program.command_tasks do desc "Build it" task 'build' do # Ruby code here end desc "Test it" task 'test' => ['build'] do # Rake syntax ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ for dependencies # Ruby code here end end ``` You can use `Program.args` in your tasks to access the other arguments on the command line. For argument parsing integrated into the help provided by the program, see the use of `Rake::Task(Rake::ToolkitProgram::TaskExt)#parse_args` below. * Wire the mainline ```ruby :exit_program!) if $0 == __FILE__ ``` * In the shell, prepare to run the program (UNIX/Linux systems only) ```console $ chmod +x awesome_tool.rb $ ./awesome_tool.rb --install-completions Completions installed in /home/rtweeks/.bashrc Source /home/rtweeks/.bash-complete/awesome_tool.rb-completions for immediate availability. $ source /home/rtweeks/.bash-complete/awesome_tool.rb-completions ``` * Ask for help ```console $ ./awesome_tool.rb help *** ./awesome_tool.rb Toolkit Program *** . . . ``` ## Usage Let's look at a short sample toolkit program -- put this in `awesome.rb`: ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rake/toolkit_program' require 'ostruct' ToolkitProgram = Rake::ToolkitProgram ToolkitProgram.title = "My Awesome Toolkit of Awesome" ToolkitProgram.command_tasks do desc <<-END_DESC.dedent Fooing myself I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I'm definitely fooing! END_DESC task :foo do a = ToolkitProgram.args puts "I'm fooed#{' on a ' if a.implement}#{a.implement}" end.parse_args(into: do |parser, args| parser.no_positional_args! parser.on('-i', '--implement IMPLEMENT', 'An implement on which to be fooed') do |val| args.implement = val end end end if __FILE__ == $0 :exit_program!) end ``` Make sure to `chmod +x awesome.rb`! What does this support? $ ./awesome.rb foo I'm fooed $ ./awesome.rb --help *** My Awesome Toolkit of Awesome *** Usage: ./awesome.rb COMMAND [OPTION ...] Avaliable options vary depending on the command given. For details of a particular command, use: ./awesome.rb help COMMAND Commands: foo Fooing myself help Show a list of commands or details of one command Use help COMMAND to get more help on a specific command. $ ./awesome.rb help foo *** My Awesome Toolkit of Awesome *** Usage: ./awesome.rb foo [OPTION ...] Fooing myself I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I'm definitely fooing! Options: -i, --implement IMPLEMENT An implement on which to be fooed $ ./awesome.rb --install-completions Completions installed in /home/rtweeks/.bashrc Source /home/rtweeks/.bash-complete/awesome.rb-completions for immediate availability. $ source /home/rtweeks/.bash-complete/awesome.rb-completions $ ./awesome.rb <tab><tab> foo help $ ./awesome.rb f<tab> ↳ ./awesome.rb foo $ ./awesome.rb foo <tab> ↳ ./awesome.rb foo -- $ ./awesome.rb foo --<tab><tab> --help --implement $ ./awesome.rb foo --i<tab> ↳ ./awesome.rb foo --implement $ ./awesome.rb foo --implement <tab><tab> --help awesome.rb $ ./awesome.rb foo --implement spoon I'm fooed on a spoon ### Defining Toolkit Commands Just define tasks in the block of `Rake::ToolkitProgram.command_tasks` with `task` (i.e. `Rake::DSL#task`). If `desc` is used to provide a description, the task will become visible in help and completions. When a command task is initially defined, positional arguments to the command are available as an `Array` through `Rake::ToolkitProgram.args`. ### Option Parsing This gem extends `Rake::Task` with a `#parse_args` method that creates a `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser` (derived from the standard library's `OptionParser`) and an argument accumulator and `yield`s them to its block. * The arguments accumulated through the `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser` are available to the task in `Rake::ToolkitProgram.args`, replacing the normal `Array` of positional arguments. * Use the `into:` keyword of `#parse_args` to provide a custom argument accumulator object for the associated command. The default argument accumulator constructor can be defined with `Rake::ToolkitProgram.default_parsed_args`. Without either of these, the default accumulator is a `Hash`. * Options defined using `OptionParser#on` (or any of the variants) will print in the help for the associated command. ### Positional Arguments Accessing positional arguments given after the command name depends on whether or not `Rake::Task(Rake::ToolkitProgram::TaskExt)#parse_args` has been called on the command task. If this method is not called, positional arguments will be an `Array` accessible through `Rake::ToolkitProgram.args`. When `Rake::Task(Rake::ToolkitProgram::TaskExt)#parse_args` is used: * `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#capture_positionals` can be used to define how positional arguments are accumulated. * If the argument accumulator is a `Hash`, the default (without calling this method) is to assign the `Array` of positional arguments to the `nil` key of the `Hash`. * For other types of accumulators, the positional arguments are only accessible if `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#capture_positionals` is used to define how they are captured. * If a block is given to this method, the block of the method will receive the `Array` of positional arguments. If it is passed an argument value, that value is used as the key under which to store the positional arguments if the argument accumulator is a `Hash`. * `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#expect_positional_cardinality` can be used to set a rule for the count of positional arguments. This will affect the _usage_ presented in the help for the associated command. * `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#map_positional_args` may be used to transform (or otherwise process) positional arguments one at a time and in the context of options and/or arguments appearing earlier on the command line. ### Convenience Methods * `Rake::Task(Rake::ToolkitProgram::TaskExt)#prohibit_args` is a quick way, for commands that accept no options or positional arguments, to declare this so the help and bash completions reflect this. It is equivalent to using `#parse_args` and telling the parser `parser.expect_positional_cardinality(0)`. * `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#no_positional_args!` is a shortcut for calling `#expect_positional_cardinality(0)` on the same object. * `Rake::Task(Rake::ToolkitProgram::TaskExt)#invalid_args!` and `Rake::ToolkitProgram::CommandOptionParser#invalid_args!` are convenient ways to raise `Rake::ToolkitProgram::InvalidCommandLine` with a message. ## OptionParser in Rubies Before and After v2.4 The `OptionParser` class was extended in Ruby 2.4 to simplify capturing options into a `Hash` or other container implementing `#[]=` in a similar way. This gem supports that, but it means that behavior varies somewhat between the pre-2.4 era and the 2.4+ era. To have consistent behavior across that version change, the recommendation is to use a `Struct`, `OpenStruct`, or custom class to hold program options rather than `Hash`. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( To run the tests, use `rake`, `rake test`, or `rspec spec`. Tests can only be run on systems that support `Kernel#fork`, as this is used to present a pristine and isolated environment for setting up the tool. If run using Ruby 2.3 or earlier, some tests will be pending because functionality expects Ruby 2.4's `OptionParser`. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at For further details on contributing, see [](./
rzero reports any files in a rails project that are not covered by any tests (0% coverage). These files can be misreported or even unreported by traditional code coverage tools. rzero makes sure your rails project has zero tolerance for zero coverage!
= dm-is-published This plugin makes it very easy to add different states to your models, like 'draft' vs 'live'. By default it also adds validations of the field value. Originally inspired by the Rails plugin +acts_as_publishable+ by <b></b>. == Installation # Add GitHub to your RubyGems sources $ gem sources -a $ (sudo)? gem install kematzy-dm-is-published <b>NB! Depends upon the whole DataMapper suite being installed, and has ONLY been tested with DM 0.10.0 (next branch).</b> == Getting Started First of all, for a better understanding of this gem, make sure you study the '<tt>dm-is-published/spec/integration/published_spec.rb</tt>' file. ---- Require +dm-is-published+ in your app. require 'dm-core' # must be required first require 'dm-is-published' Lets say we have an Article class, and each Article can have a current state, ie: whether it's Live, Draft or an Obituary awaiting the death of someone famous (real or rumored) class Article include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :title, String ...<snip> is :published end Once you have your Article model we can create our Articles just as normal Article.create(:title => 'Example 1') The instance of <tt>Article.get(1)</tt> now has the following things for free: * a <tt>:publish_status</tt> attribute with the value <tt>'live'</tt>. Default choices are <tt>[ :live, :draft, :hidden ]</tt>. * <tt>:is_live?, :is_draft? or :is_hidden?</tt> methods that returns true/false based upon the state. * <tt>:save_as_live</tt>, <tt>:save_as_draft</tt> or <tt>:save_as_hidden</tt> converts the instance to the state and saves it. * <tt>:publishable?</tt> method that returns true for models where <tt>is :published </tt> has been declared, but <b>false</b> for those where it has not been declared. The Article class also gets a bit of new functionality: Article.all(:draft) => finds all Articles with :publish_status = :draft Article.all(:draft, :author => @author_joe ) => finds all Articles with :publish_status = :draft and author == Joe Todo Need to write more documentation here.. == Usage Scenarios In a Blog/Publishing scenario you could use it like this: class Article ...<snip>... is :published :live, :draft, :hidden end Whereas in another scenario - like in a MenuItem model for a Restaurant - you could use it like this: class MenuItem ...<snip>... is :published :on, :off # the item is either on the menu or not end == RTFM As I said above, for a better understanding of this gem/plugin, make sure you study the '<tt>dm-is-published/spec/integration/published_spec.rb</tt>' file. == Errors / Bugs If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here: == Credits Copyright (c) 2009-07-11 [kematzy gmail com] Loosely based on the ActsAsPublishable plugin by [] == Licence Released under the MIT license.
== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES: - Full programmmatic access to EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. - Complete error handling: all operations check for errors and report complete error information by raising an AwsError. - Persistent HTTP connections with robust network-level retry layer using RightHttpConnection). This includes socket timeouts and retries. - Robust HTTP-level retry layer. Certain (user-adjustable) HTTP errors returned by Amazon's services are classified as temporary errors. These errors are automaticallly retried using exponentially increasing intervals. The number of retries is user-configurable. - Fast REXML-based parsing of responses (as fast as a pure Ruby solution allows). - Uses libxml (if available) for faster response parsing. - Support for large S3 list operations. Buckets and key subfolders containing many (> 1000) keys are listed in entirety. Operations based on list (like bucket clear) work on arbitrary numbers of keys. - Support for streaming GETs from S3, and streaming PUTs to S3 if the data source is a file. - Support for single-threaded usage, multithreaded usage, as well as usage with multiple AWS accounts. - Support for both first- and second-generation SQS (API versions 2007-05-01 and 2008-01-01). These versions of SQS are not compatible. - Support for signature versions 0 and 1 on SQS, SDB, and EC2. - Interoperability with any cloud running Eucalyptus ( - Test suite (requires AWS account to do "live" testing).
Dromedary is a helper gem which will unify and simplyfy test reporting approaches for different Ruby Based Test Automation Solutions
# DnsChecker Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/dns_checker`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dns_checker' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dns_checker ## Usage Just use it! ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/dns_checker. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
QAT Reporter Xray bellong to the QAT-Reporter collection of tools and is intended for importing test report information in Jira.
A gem/plugin for the Cinch IRC Framework that returns the value of Bitcoin in the specified currency. You can visit irc:// #Lobby to get help, report issues , test the gem, or just chat.
The gem publishes Simplecov's test coverage reports to your_url/simplecov.
Works with parallel_tests ruby gem to generate a report having a list of slowest and failed examples.
rcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test unit coverage of target code. It features fast execution (20-300 times faster than previous tools), multiple analysis modes, XHTML and several kinds of text reports, easy automation with Rake via a RcovTask, fairly accurate coverage information through code linkage inference using simple heuristics, colorblind-friendliness...
This gem gives you RSpec formatters which let you generate HTML and JSON reports if you use the airborne gem for your integration tests.
This is an progress test report format for the Rubytest metaframework. It produces a progressbar as tests are run.
# FaradayError [![Gem Version](]( A [Faraday]( middleware for adding request parameters to your exception tracker. ### Supports - [Honeybadger]( - [NewRelic]( - Your favorite thing, as soon as you make a pull request! ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'faraday_error' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install faraday_error ## Usage Configure your Faraday connection to use this middleware. You can optionally specify a name; defaults to `faraday`. It is expected that you also use `Faraday::Response::RaiseError` somewhere in your stack. ```ruby connection = 'http://localhost:4567') do |faraday| faraday.use FaradayError::Middleware, name: "example_request" faraday.use Faraday::Response::RaiseError faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter end ``` And that's it. Make a request as you normally would. ```ruby do |req| req.url '/503' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = JSON.generate(abc: "xyz") end ``` If any request fails, Honeybadger's "context" for this error will include your request parameters. If sending JSON or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, these will be included in parsed form. ```json { "example_request": { "method": "post", "url": "http://localhost:4567/503", "request_headers": { "User-Agent": "Faraday v0.9.2", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body_length": 13, "body": { "abc": "xyz" } } } ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( The included [RestReflector](../master/spec/rest_reflector.rb) Sinatra app is suitable for making requests that are guaranteed to fail in particlar ways. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
# Netchk Simple tool to troubleshoot internet connectivity issues. This tool verifies: - your computer has at least one IP address - you have at least one DNS configured - you can reach the configured nameservers - the nameservers can resolve hosts Finally, some ICMP ping statistics are presented with average durations and error rates. ## Installation ```sh gem install netchk ``` ## Usage Just run `netchk` from your terminal and basic diagnosis will start showing you progress and any error if present. Note: On Linux system, this gem requires `sudo` to perform the ICMP ping operations. On macOS, this is not needed. You also can configure how netchk verifies your connections by configuring a `~/.netchk.yaml` or `~/.netchk.yml` file like below. ```yaml # Settings to test DNS server connectivity. dns: # Path to resolv.conf file to check presence and connectivity of DNS. # Path should be absolute to avoid issues when running netchk # from different directories. resolv.conf: /etc/resolv.conf # Settings to test DNS resolution. resolv: # Path to resolv.conf file to use for testing DNS resolution. # Path should be absolute to avoid issues when running netchk # from different directories. It is advised to be the same # as dns.resolv.conf. resolv.conf: /etc/resolv.conf # The list of domains to test for DNS resolution. domains: - - - # Settings to test icmp ping. icmp: # A list of hosts to ping with ICMP. It is advised to use # IP addresses instead of domains to rule out any issues with # DNS resolution, which is tested separately. hosts: - - # The number of ping to issue each host. count: 20 # The duration in seconds to wait between each ping. # Setting this value too low might cause timeouts. interval: 0.2 ``` Each value is optional. If one is missing the default value will be used. The file above shows the default values. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
SemillaGen let's you create (Actionscript3.0 based) projects and classes with ease. SemillaGen generated projects or classes are customizable via templates. The default templates setup the project for Continuous Integration using FlexUnit. the default class template creates a class and a test case automatically. usage: To create a new project run: $ semillagen project MyAwesomeProject $ ls MyAwesomeProject To create a new class with test case: $ cd MyAwesomeProject $ semillagen class com.semilla.MillionDollarClass You will see that semillagen created the following files: src/com/semilla/ test-src/com/semilla/ The default template is ready for building as soon as created. To build and test your project we use rake. $ rake Rake will build a debug and release versions of your project. It will also create a FlexUnit test swf and run the test. You will see the results of the tests and also you will see some xml files under the [test-report] folder. These reports are JUnit compatible. You can use a CI tool like Jenkins to automatically build and test your project.
# CheckTCPMemory This is a simple Nagios/Sensu check that checks that the current TCP memory usage is below the maximum allowed in the Linux kernel. This will find leaking TCP sockets. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'check_tcp_memory' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install check_tcp_memory ## Usage ``` $ check_tcp_memory -h Usage: check_tcp_memory -w <warn percent> -c <critical percent> -w, --warn-percent PERCENT Warning when percentage of total TCP memory is over this threashold. Default: 50% -c, --crit-percent PERCENT Critical when percentage of total TCP memory is over this threashold. Default: 60% -h, --help Show this message --version Show version ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.
# Soft Delete > In a production app, you should probably never really delete anything. [source]( A soft-delete marks a record as deleted, and keeps it in the database for historical reference. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "soft_delete-workbar", require: "soft_delete" ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install soft_delete-workbar ## Usage Safely "delete" records from your database without losing them permanently. * Add SoftDelete to a model ``` class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base include SoftDelete end ``` * Add a `deleted_at` column to the model's database table ``` rails g migration AddSoftDeleteToMyModels deleted_at:timestamp ``` * Safely call `MyModel#delete` without losing the record forever ## Methods Please see the `SoftDelete` module and the associated tests for a description of the methods that will be added to your model. * `.not_deleted` - records without a deleted_at timestamp * `.deleted` - records with a deleted_at timestamp * `#delete` - set the deleted_at timestamp * `#delete!` - delete the record from the database * `#destroy` - set the deleted_at timestamp, and run callbacks * `#destroy!` - delete the record from the database, and run callbacks * `#restore` - set the deleted_at timestamp to nil It will be necessary to exclude deleted records when querying the model. Use the `not_deleted` scope that now exists on the model. ```ruby class MyModelsController < ApplicationController def index @my_models = MyModel.not_deleted end end ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
a minitest-reporters extension for integrating with parallel_tests. designed to integrate with parallel_tests-extensions
System Information Gatherer And Reporter
Lookout-Rack Lookout-Rack provides easy interaction with Rack¹ from Lookout². It provides you with a session connected to your Rack application through which you can make requests, check responses, follow redirects and set, inspect, and clear cookies. ¹ See ² See § Installation Install Lookout-Rack with % gem install lookout-rack § Usage Include the following code in your ‹Rakefile› (provided that you’re using Lookout-Rake¹): require 'lookout-rack-3.0' do |t| t.requires << 'lookout-rack-3.0' end ¹ See Then set up a ‹fixtures/› file that Lookout-Rack will use for loading your Rack app. load 'path/to/app.rb' use Rack::Lint run Path::To::App This file, if it exists, will be loaded during the first call to #session. If it doesn’t exist, ‹› will be used instead. You can now test your app: Expectations do expect 200 do session.get('/').response.status end end The #session method returns an object that lets you #get, #post, #put, and #delete resources from the Rack app. You call these method with a URI¹ that you want to access/modify together with any parameters that you want to pass and any Rack environment that you want to use (which isn’t very common). For example, let’s get ‹/pizzas/› with olives on them: expect 200 do session.get('/pizzas/', 'olives' => '1').response.status end ¹ Abbreviation for Uniform Resource Identifier The #response method on #session returns a mock Rack response object that can be queried for results. Similarly, there’s a #request method that lets you inspect the request that was made. Lookout-Rack also deals with cookies. Assuming that ‹/cookies/set/› will set any cookies that we pass it and that ‹/cookies/show/› will simply do nothing relevant, the following expectation will pass: expect 'value' => '1' do session. get('/cookies/set/', 'value' => '1'). get('/cookies/show/').request.cookies end Sometimes you may want to set cookies yourself before making a request. You then use the #cookie method, which takes a String of ‹KEY=VALUE› pairs separated by newlines, commas, and/or semicolons and sets those cookies in the session: expect 'value' => '1', 'other' => '2' do session. cookie("value=1\n\nother=2"). get('/cookies/show/').request.cookies end You may also want to clear all cookies in your session using #clear: expect({}) do session. get('/cookies/set', 'value' => '1'). clear. get('/cookies/show').request.cookies end Finally, to test redirects, call the #redirect! method on the session object, assuming that ‹/redirected/› redirects to another location: expect result.redirect? do session.get('/redirected/').response end expect result.not.redirect? do session.get('/redirected/').redirect!.response end That’s basically all there’s to it. You can check the {API documentation}¹ for more information. ¹ See § Financing Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me. But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed! ¹ Send a donation: § Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹. ¹ See § Authors Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, the documentation, and this README. § Licensing Lookout-Rack is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³. ¹ See ² See ³ See
Lights up your Blink(1) red / orange / green when tests pass / skip / fail, and purple while running. It makes testing fun!
# CheckChefConverge This is a Nagios/Sensu check that can check if nodes returned from a chef search have converged recently. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'check_chef_converge' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install check_chef_converge ## Usage ``` Usage: check_chef_converge -w, --warn-minutes MINUTES Warning when chef has not converged in minutes.Default 65 -c, --crit-minutes MINUTES Critical when chef has not converged in minutes.Default 70 -q, --query SEARCH Chef query to filter on. Default 'fqdn:travis-work-mbp.local' --chef-client-config CONFIG Chef client configuration. --chef-server-url URL Chef Server URL. Must pass client-name and client-key or client-key-file with this option. --chef-client-name NAME Chef Client Name. Only used with server-url --chef-client-key KEY Chef Client Key (string). Only used with server-url. Takes precedence over client-key-file. --chef-client-key-file PATH Chef Client Key File. Only used with server-url -h, --help Show this message --version Show version ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.
customized template for iOS test reports
A plugin for the Cinch IRC framework to search YouTube and deliver the top three results from the specified search. You can visit irc:// #Lobby to get help, report issues , test the gem, or just chat.