![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/RubyChangeMaker.svg)
Ruby Change Maker
Given a currency amount (assuming US Currency ) expressed as a floating point number ( i.e. 1.25 or 0.75 )
returns that amount expressed as the least amount of change using the least number of bills, coins, or combination of bills and coins.
To use as a gem:
gem install RubyChangeMaker
Then, in your source file:
require 'RubyChangeMaker'
cm = RubyChangeMaker::Change.new
amt = 1.25 # for $1.25, use 0.75 for .75 cents, etc.
dollars, cents = cm.make_change(amt)
To see an example program using the Module, look in this repo's bin/ directory
To work with the source files:
To Run:
cd into bin/ and type: './changemaker' (the file is already chmod'd)
To Run Tests:
(require's cucumber)
cd into root directory ( 'ruby-change-maker/' ), then type: cucumber
- Source is in lib/rubychangemaker/.
- lib/rubychangemaker.rb is just some boot-strapping for cucumber.
- features/support/ again, boot-strapping for cucumber.