= {Syckle}[http://bahuvrihi.github.com/syckle]
A sick little syck loader.
== Description
YAML is great and complete, but load relatively slowly in large part because
it loads everything at once. In cases where you need to quickly load a
simple YAML configuration file, the overhead is too much.
Syckle is a very simple syck binding that can load basic ruby types:
true, false, nil, numbers, strings, symbols, arrays, and hashes. When
Syckle.load encounters a more complex object, it autoloads YAML and
defers to YAML.load. The result is a quicker-loading, seamless
alternative to using YAML.
Benchmarks indicate a require + load using Syckle is about 10x faster than
the same using YAML, entirely due to the require time.
== Usage
Simply require syckle instead of yaml. YAML will be set for autoloading
as necessary, and can be required at a later time if necessary (although
note that using syckle only provides a load-time benefit up until YAML
is loaded, duh).
start = Time.now
require 'syckle'
Syckle.load("key: value") # => {'key' => 'value'}
puts "#{Time.now-start} s"
=== Bugs/Known Issues
== Installation
Syckle is available as a gem on GitHub[http://rubyforge.org/projects/tap]. Use:
% gem install bahuvrihi-syckle
== Info
Copyright (c) 2008, Regents of the University of Colorado.
Developer:: {Simon Chiang}[http://bahuvrihi.wordpress.com], {Biomolecular Structure Program}[http://biomol.uchsc.edu/], {Hansen Lab}[http://hsc-proteomics.uchsc.edu/hansenlab/]
Support:: CU Denver School of Medicine Deans Academic Enrichment Fund
Licence:: {MIT-Style}[link:files/MIT-LICENSE.html]