Banana Stand API Gem
Provides a Ruby interface to interact with the Banana Stand API.
Usage and Installation
Please see for instructions
- Add automated tests and hook into travis
- Update the
so that it lets BananaStand::Models::Base
class handle model instantiation
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
- Because we're using
for attribute data accessors, if the API call fails or doesn't find anything then it will give a "method missing" error instead of nil
. This can be confusing, so keep it in mind.
How to contribute
To contribute to the repository:
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the forked repository locally.
- Create a branch descriptive of your work. For example "my_new_feature_xyz".
- When you're done work, push up that branch to your own forked repository (not the main one).
- Visit and you'll see an option to create a pull request from your forked branch to the master. Create a pull request.
- Fill out the pull request template with everything it asks for and assign the pull request to someone to review.
- Set the reviewee as yourself and the requested reviewer as whomever you want to review your PR.
- Once the PR merges into master then it is ready for production and should be treated as such. It will be deployed to staging within minutes.
Getting your PR approved
A few key things to note:
- PRs must be approved by all requested reviewers before you can merge.
- After you implement changes requested from a reviewer then post back with a :recycle: to say something like
:recyle: Ready for you to look again at it please.
. Note: If you do not do this then you PR may not ever get re-reviewed after comments are taken into acocunt. - If a PR comment starts with a :beer: then it is just a suggestion and preference of the reviewer and the comment is NON-blocking. That is, your PR may still be approved with these comments.
- If a PR comment starts with a :tipping_hand_man: then it is just informative and requires no action. It's like a "FYI"
- All other PR comments probably need to be addressed unless otherwise agreed by the reviewer.
- After a PR has been approved then you are free to merge.
- PR reviews will happen ASAP but generally within 24 hours.
Design and Code Standards
General Standards
Configure your IDE or code editor with the following:
- Use 4 spaces - NOT tabs.
- Add new line at the end of every file.
Ruby Style
Follow the Community-driven Ruby Style Guide.
Other Considerations
- Keep methods and classes small and sweet. Follow SRP.
- If you're adding a lot of comments in your code you probably should consider whether or not that code should be broken up into multiple methods. This is 95% the case.
- Use yardoc syntax for method docs. You only need to document public methods (private methods can be doc'd optionally)