= Twroute - Route Twitter status updates over http to your web app
Twroute uses the {Twitter Stream API}[http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Streaming-API-Documentation]
or the more stable {Twitter Search API}[http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-Method%3A-search]
to watch status updates and convert them to HTTP post requests.
Twoute uses {Delayed Job}[http://github.com/tobi/delayed_job/tree/master]
as a message queue ensuring that http requests are retried if the
targeted web app is out of service for a bit.
As a Rails developer the motivation to write this gem is because
I wanted a super simple way to write a twitter app where my app
can recieve messages from twitter over http and respond to the sender
by simply responding to the http request.
In other words an ordinary Rails/Merb/Sinatra controller can recieve
a tweet and then reply to the sender by simply rendering a response.
== Install
sudo gem install bhauman-twroute
== Making your first Twroute app
Let's say we are going to create an app that rewards you for
shooting someone in the ass and reprimands you for shooting someone in
the arm, face, etc. It gives you a point for the bum shot and takes
one away for the the others.
twroute bad_shot
This will create the following directory structure:
|- config
config.yml # the configuration file
twroutes.rb # the routing file with sample routes
|- db # holds the sqlite3 database
|- log # holds the database log files
|- test
test_helper.rb # defines the should_route_to macro
twroutes_test.rb # sample tests for the sample routes
=== App Configuration
The config.yml file has 3 sections:
==== "Submit to" section
This is where you define the host, port and HTTP Auth inforomation for
the web app that twroute will be routing requests to.
host: localhost
port: 3000
http_auth_user: ''
http_auth_password: ''
The +port+ field is not required. Be sure to set the +host+ to the
target web app. For instance if you have a web application that lives
at +tweetrecorder+.+com+, the config would look like:
host: tweetrecorder.com
==== Twitter section
This is where you specify the username and password for the twitter
account that is making the requests to the Twitter Stream or Rest Search
API and also authoring the replies to the senders.
===== Twitter Stream Api Configuration
This section also specifies which Twitter stream api to use. Most
likely +spritzer+, +follow+ or +track+ unless you are privileged.
See the {Twitter Stream API docs}[http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Streaming-API-Documentation]
for more information.
This section also describes the post query parameters that you want to
send to the twitter-api call.
The following is an example configuration if you want to see all the
tweets that have the word +shoot+ in them.
user: example_account_name
password: example_password
stream_api: track
track: shoot
===== Twitter Search API Configuration
See the {Twitter Search API}[http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-Method%3A-search]
for more information.
This section the post query parameters that you want to
send to the Twitter +search+ api call.
The following is an example configuration if you want to see all the
tweets that have the word +shoot+ in them.
user: example_account_name
password: example_password
q: 'shoot' # search for updates with the text 'shoot'
rpp: '99' # return 99 results on one page : limit is 100
==== Database section
This section should be ready to go as is. If you want to use MySQL
this configuration goes straight to ActiveRecord so set it up the way
you would for a Rails project. I haven't used it for MySQL so no
guarantees that it will work.
== Routing
=== Testing First
We are going to use test driven development here. The system
currently uses regex's. And even the best programmers have trouble
getting regex's to work correctly.
For our example app bad_shot we have set of twitter updates that
we would like to map to calls to our web app.
shoot @johnboy in the ass yeah buddy => /goodshot/create
shoot @johnboy in the arm => /badshot/create
shoot @johnboy in the head => /badshot/create
shoot @johnboy in the foot => /badshot/create
Let's make these into tests first.
Open +test+/+twroutes_test+.+rb+ it will have some sample tests in
it. Delete them and replace them with these routing tests.
class TwroutesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass yeah buddy", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the arm", "/badshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the head", "/badshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the foot", "/badshot/create"
Now you can run +rake+ +test+ and see all of your tests fail. But that
is a way better start than not having any tests at all.
=== Writing your routes
Let's try to make some of our tests pass.
First comment out all the tests except for the first one.
class TwroutesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass yeah buddy", "/goodshot/create"
# should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the arm", "/badshot/create"
# should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the head", "/badshot/create"
# should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the foot", "/badshot/create"
We are going to only work on this one and then repeat the process for
the other routes.
Open the +config+/+twroutes+.+rb+ file in your editor of choice remove
or comment the exiting routes. So it should read something like this:
Twroute::Routes.draw do |map|
Then add this first route:
Twroute::Routes.draw do |map|
map.regex( {:whole_tweet => /shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass/},
'/goodshot/create' )
Then execute +rake+ +test+
You will notice that the test passed. (if not fix it). This is a good
base to start from. Now lets refine the route one step at a time.
We want to match any username so add another test in +twroutes_test.rb+:
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass yeah buddy", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @jannie_fly5 in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
# the rest of the tests are commented out
Now the tests should fail. Change the Regex in the route like below:
map.regex( {:whole_tweet => /shoot @[\w\d_]+ in the ass/},
'/goodshot/create' )
After each step check to see that the test passes. This should be
passing now. We decided that white space shouldn't matter so we add a
new test.
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass yeah buddy", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @jannie_fly5 in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @jannie_fly5 in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
# the rest of the tests are commented out
Tests fail, adjust the route:
map.regex( {:whole_tweet => /shoot\s+@[\w\d_]+\s+in\s+the\s+ass/},
'/goodshot/create' )
So this is a passable route but it will match all kinds of things you
wouldn't expect like "skeetshoot @marko in the ass" so more work could
be done. Add a test:
should_route_to "shoot @john_Boy3 in the ass yeah buddy", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @jannie_fly5 in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
should_route_to "shoot @jannie_fly5 in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
should_not_route_to "skeetshoot @marko in the ass oh yeah", "/goodshot/create"
Tests fail, adjust the routes:
map.regex( {:whole_tweet => /^shoot\s+@[\w\d_]+\s+in\s+the\s+ass/},
'/goodshot/create' )
Alright you get the picture. This is the best way to go to ensure you
are picking up the right tweets. As anomalies happen add tests and
adjust the regex.
===== How the regex matcher works.
I am going to show you an advanced route.
map.regex( { :whole_tweet => /^shoot\s+@[\w\d_]+\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/,
:who_got_shot => [/^shoot\s+@([\w\d_]+)\s+/, 1]
:shot_where => [/\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/, 1]
}, '/badshot/create' )
A few things are going on here. ALL the regexes defined have to be
matched. The result of the match is a hash of values. :+whole_tweet+
will be assigned the value of the whole tweet. The second match
:+who_got_shot+ has a back reference so it will only be assigned the
name of the user who was shot. The third match :+shot_where+ gets
assigned the place where the person was shot.
Now what happens to the hash of matches? Two things
1 It gets posted along with the request as a hash named +parsed+[].
So for example in a Rails app you can refer to these parsed out goodies as
@name = params[:parsed][:who_got_shot]
@shot_where = params[:parsed][:shot_where]
2 The keys are available as substitutions in the target URL. So in
the above example if we wanted to include some of the parsed items
in the resulting url we could do this:
map.regex( { :whole_tweet => /^shoot\s+@[\w\d_]+\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/,
:who_got_shot => [/^shoot\s+@([\w\d_]+)\s+/, 1],
:shot_where => [/\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/, 1]
}, '/badshot/create/name/:who_got_shot/where/:shot_where' )
==== Regex matcher and procs
We could rewrite the above example to use a proc as well.
map.regex( { :whole_tweet => /^shoot\s+@[\w\d_]+\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/,
:who_got_shot => [/^shoot\s+@([\w\d_]+)\s+/, 1],
:shot_where => lambda { |tweet_text|
match_data = tweet_text.match(/\s+in\s+the\s+(\w+).*/)
match_data ? match_data[1] : nil
If the proc returns +nil+ it will not be considered a match and the next
route will be tried.
=== Routing order
The routes are executed in a similar manner as Routes in Rails. They
are tried in top down order. As soon as a match is found the rest of
the routes are ignored.
== What gets posted?
When a route is finally selected and a path is chosen three hashes get
posted to the selected url:
==== The Parsed Hash
In our example this will be:
parsed[whole_tweet]: shoot @johnny in the wild
parsed[who_got_shot]: johnny
parsed[shot_where]: wild
==== The Twitter Tweet Hash - for Search API
tweet[id]: 3317086732
tweet[source]: web
tweet[profile_image_url]: http://s.twimg.com/a/1252620925/images/default_profile_normal.png
tweet[from_user]: dailydid_dev
tweet[iso_language_code]: en
tweet[text]: #test 123 #dailydid
tweet[from_user_id]: 50354397
tweet[created_at]: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 17:03:56 +0000
==== The Twitter Tweet Hash - for Stream API
For example:
tweet[id]: 3317086732
tweet[created_at]: Fri Aug 14 22:31:44 +0000 2009
tweet[favorited]: false
tweet[truncated]: false
tweet[source]: TweetDeck
tweet[text]: shoot @johnny in the wild
==== The Twitter User Hash - for Stream API only
We pull this out of the tweet[:user] and post it as the sender[] hash:
sender[friends_count]: 86
sender[followers_count]: 113
sender[profile_link_color]: "990000"
sender[protected]: false
sender[profile_sidebar_border_color]: DFDFDF
sender[screen_name]: Sarahndipitea
sender[name]: Sarah
sender[profile_sidebar_fill_color]: F3F3F3
sender[created_at]: Tue Oct 21 03:06:15 +0000 2008
sender[id]: 16880192
sender[location]: Stumptown
sender[profile_image_url]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/332336440/EllieUp_normal.jpg
sender[description]: You found me! Were you even looking for me?
sender[favourites_count]: 12
sender[profile_background_image_url]: http://static.twitter.com/images/themes/theme7/bg.gif
sender[statuses_count]: 9601
sender[profile_background_tile]: false
sender[verified]: false
sender[profile_background_color]: EBEBEB
sender[profile_text_color]: "333333"
sender[time_zone]: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
sender[utc_offset]: -28800
sender[url]: http://Sarahndipitea.wordpress.com
(This tweet was completely chosen randomly. I didn't want to take time
to come up with fake data. If you have some funny data. Send me
a pull request.)
== Gentlemen start your servers.
So now we setup the config file and we have have tests and routes.
=== First initialize the Sqlite3 DB
Execute the following rake command:
rake twroute:init
=== Create a sample app to receive the post requests
You might want to set up a sample Rails app and tail the development
log at this point.
rails sample_twroute_app
cd sample_twroute_app
No need to create controllers that do anything. This just so you can
see that the requsts are being made.
=== Start the twroute_runner daemon
This is the daemon that pulls down the tweets from the twitter stream
api, routes them and stores them as a delayed job.
Change to the bad_shot directory and execute:
twroute_runner start
At this point IF there are tweets that match your stream api query AND
these tweets also match your routes defined in +twroutes+.+rb+ then you
should see some delayed_jobs being created in +log+/+database.log+
You can stop this daemon by executing:
twroute_runner stop
=== Start the twroute_worker daemon
Seeing as we are creating Delayed Jobs we have to have a daemon that
executes the jobs. You can start it in a similar fashion.
Change to the bad_shot directory and execute:
twroute_worker start
At this point IF there are jobs stored in the Sqlite3 database then
you should see activity in the +log+/+delayed.log+
You can stop this daemon by executing:
twroute_worker stop
=== Start/Stop Short Cut
You can start and stop both the daemons using the +rake+ +twroute+:+start+ and
+rake+ +twroute+:+stop+ commands.
== Troubleshooting
=== No output
You can check that your Twitter stream request is functioning by
temporarily making a catchall route at the end of your routes like so:
map.regex( { :match_all_tweets => /.*/ }, '/badshot/create' )
This will force all tweets from the stream to be sent to your app.
This is very useful to verify that tweets are coming down and going
through the system.
== Responses will be Tweeted!
When your web app responds with a 200 status and with the
+ContentType+ header set to +text+/+twitter+ Twroute will tweet the response.
It won't respond to the sender. It will simply tweet the response. So
if you want to respond you need to specify the @+user+ at the
beginning of the tweet.
== Monit and God
Don't forget to setup either Monit, God or some other server process
monitor because Twitter reserves the right to close the connection
whenever they want. I would say that it's fairly safe to simply
restart the daemons periodically as well.
== License
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2009 Bruce Hauman bhauman@gmail.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Copyright (c) 2009 Bruce Hauman, released under the MIT license