A Ruby client for Bing Ads API that includes a proxy to all Bing Ads API web services and abstracts low level details of authentication with OAuth.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'bing-ads'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install bing-ads
Customer Management Service
options = {
environment: :sandbox,
authentication_token: '39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23',
developer_token: 'BBD37VB98',
customer_id: '21027149',
service =
Getting accounts info
response = service.get_accounts_info
Campaign Management Service
options = {
environment: :sandbox,
authentication_token: '39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23',
developer_token: 'BBD37VB98',
customer_id: '21027149',
account_id: '5278183',
service =
Getting campaigns
account_id = 5278183
response = service.get_campaigns_by_account_id(account_id)
Getting campaigns in an account by ids
account_id = 5278183
campaign_ids = [813721838, 813721849, 813721850]
response = service.get_campaigns_by_ids(account_id, campaign_ids)
Adding campaigns
account_id = 5278183
campaigns = [
budget_type: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.budget_limit_type.daily_budget_standard,
daily_budget: 2000,
description: 'Amsterdam-based global campaign',
name: '51 - Global - Chain - Mixed - N -en- Amsterdam - 100 - 26479',
status: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.campaign_status.paused,
time_zone: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.time_zones.amsterdam_berlin_bern_rome_stockholm_vienna
response = service.add_campaigns(account_id, campaigns)
Updating campaigns
account_id = 5278183
campaigns = [
id: 813721838,
budget_type: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.budget_limit_type.daily_budget_standard,
id: 813721849,
budget_type: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.budget_limit_type.daily_budget_standard,
response = service.update_campaigns(account_id, campaigns)
Deleting campaigns
account_id = 5278183
campaign_ids_to_delete = [813721838, 813721813, 813721911]
response = service.delete_campaigns(account_id, campaign_ids_to_delete)
Getting ad groups in a campaign
campaign_id = 813721838
response = service.get_ad_groups_by_campaign_id(campaign_id)
Getting ad groups in a campaign by ids
campaign_id = 813721838
ad_group_ids = [9866221838, 9866221813, 9866221911]
response = service.get_ad_groups_by_ids(campaign_id, ad_group_ids)
Adding ad groups to a campaign
campaign_id = 813721838
ad_groups = [
ad_rotation: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.ad_rotation.optimize_for_clicks,
bidding_scheme: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.bidding_scheme.inherit_from_parent,
content_match_bid: 100,
end_date: '31/12/2020',
status: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.ad_group_status.paused,
language: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.languages.english,
name: 'H=WHotelAmsterdam&AG=1723812002',
native_bid_adjustment: -50,
remarketing_targeting_setting: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.remarketing_target_setting.bid_only,
search_bid: 100,
start_date: '5/7/2017',
response = service.add_ad_groups(campaign_id, ad_groups)
Updating ad groups in a campaign
campaign_id = 813721838
ad_groups = [
id: 9866221838,
response = service.update_ad_groups(campaign_id, ad_groups)
Deleting ad groups from a campaign
campaign_id = 813721838
ad_group_ids_to_delete = [9866221838, 9866221839, 9866221840]
response = service.delete_ad_groups(campaign_id, ad_group_ids_to_delete)
Getting ads in an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
response = service.get_ads_by_ad_group_id(ad_group_id)
Getting ads in an ad group by ids
ad_group_id = 9866221838
ad_ids = [454873284248, 454873284249, 454873284250]
response = service.get_ads_by_ids(ad_group_id, ad_ids)
Adding ads to an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
expanded_text_ads = [
type: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.ad_types.expanded_text_ad,
path_1: 'Amsterdam',
path_2: 'Hotels',
text: 'Compare over 150 booking sites! Find guaranteed low hotel rates.',
title_part_1: 'Hotels in Amsterdam',
title_part_2: 'Best Deals. Book now',
final_urls: [
response = service.add_ads(ad_group_id, expanded_text_ads)
Updating ads in an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
updated_expanded_text_ads = [
id: 454873284248,
final_urls: [
response = service.update_ads(ad_group_id, updated_expanded_text_ads)
Deleting ads from an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
ad_ids_to_delete = [454873284248, 454873284249, 454873284250]
response = service.delete_ads(ad_group_id, ad_ids_to_delete)
Getting keywords in an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
response = service.get_keywords_by_ad_group_id(ad_group_id)
Getting keywords in an ad group by ids
ad_group_id = 9866221838
keyword_ids = [234873284248, 234873284249, 234873284250]
response = service.get_keywords_by_ids(ad_group_id, keyword_ids)
Adding keywords to an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
keywords = [
bidding_scheme: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.bidding_scheme.inherit_from_parent,
bid: 5,
final_urls: [
match_type: Bing::Ads::API::V11.constants.campaign_management.match_types.exact,
text: 'Pet-friendly Hotels in Amsterdam'
response = service.add_keywords(ad_group_id, keywords)
Updating keywords in an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
updated_keywords = [
id: 234873284248,
response = service.update_keywords(ad_group_id, updated_keywords)
Deleting keywords from an ad group
ad_group_id = 9866221838
keyword_ids_to_delete = [234873284248, 234873284249, 234873284250]
response = service.delete_keywords(ad_group_id, keyword_ids_to_delete)
Bulk Service
options = {
environment: :sandbox,
authentication_token: '39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23',
developer_token: 'BBD37VB98',
customer_id: '21027149',
account_id: '5278183',
service =
Submit a request for a URL where a bulk upload file may be posted.
response = service.get_bulk_upload_url
Get the status and completion percentage of a bulk upload request.
response = service.get_bulk_upload_status(request_id)
Reporting Service
options = {
environment: :sandbox,
authentication_token: '39b290146bea6ce975c37cfc23',
developer_token: 'BBD37VB98',
customer_id: '21027149',
service =
Submit Generate Report
To get reports from Bing, you must first submit a report generation request.
The method submit_generate_report
receive two params as input, first the report_type
and then a hash with the report options.
response = service.submit_generate_report(:keyword_performance, {
exclude_column_headers: false,
exclude_report_footer: false,
exclude_report_header: false,
language: 'English',
format: 'Tsv',
report_name: 'keyword_performance_report',
return_only_complete_data: false,
aggregation: 'Daily',
columns: [:destination_url, :average_cpc],
from_date: '2017-10-23',
to_date: '2017-10-25'
account_ids: [144012349, 224002158]
The required options depend on the report type you are using.
Response example:
{:report_request_id=>"30000000999745662", :@xmlns=>""}
Poll Generate Report
To retrieve the report generated you have a few options:
You can check if the report is ready and then get the url:
service.report_url(report_request_id) if service.report_ready?(report_request_id)
Or you can download the body of the report when it's ready. (and then write to a file for example)
service.report_body(report_request_id) if service.report_ready?(report_request_id)
You can also get the entire poll_generate_reportl report object:
Errors raised
No username/password or authentication_token.Bing::Ads::API::Errors::AuthenticationTokenExpired
Authentication token needs to be refreshed.Bing::Ads::API::Errors::LimitError
An API limit has been exceeded on a specific request. Check message for details.Bing::Ads::API::Errors::DownloadError
Error when downloading a report body.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
Endpoints were manually tested but although RSpec is installed as a test framework, there are no tests written yet.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at