= What's RubyDCLExt-Anim
RubyDCLExt-Anim is an extension for RubyDCL
to output animation (movie) file.
Currently, output file is MP4 file formated and h264 encoded .
= RubyDCLExt-Anim home-page
The URL of the RubyDCLExt-Anim home-page is:
= Requires
= Install
gem install dclext-anim
= Copying
See the file LICENSE.txt.
= Usage
To output animation file, require "numru/dclext/anim"
% ruby -r numru/dclext/anim your_dcl_script.rb
== Options
You can change some parameters with environmental variable or runtime option.
= The Author
Feel free to send comments and bug reports to the author.
The author's e-mail addess is