Have you ever wondered to centralize all the participation in a map? Well, we do and that is the purpose of Decidim GEO.
Participation on the map, means:
- Overview participation: Be able to consult what happens where.
- Participate: Be able to pin points, select zones, etc. while participating
This project is its early stage, and has it is quiet ambicious, we open CO-FUNDING and setup a public Roadmap here:
If you are curious on how it started, we've made some slide to present the project.
How it works?
Postgis can load Shapefiles that can represents anything: neighbourghoods, cities, states, trees, public spaces.
We use this module to map a shape to an application zone, to be able to geo-references all the participatory processes of the platform. This way we can offer better consultation experience, and open new perspective for participation.
This gem supports decidim version 0.26.x
and 0.27.x
Read the needed dependancies for rgeo
gem. If you have libgeos-dev
, be sure you have a postgis database with postgres > 14.0.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "decidim-decidim_geo"
Update your database adapter to postgis adapter (already installed as dependancy of this gem):
# config/database.yml
default: &default
adapter: postgis
Update your DATABASE_URL
environment with postgis://
And then execute:
bundle exec rails decidim_geo:install:migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rake test_app
Local development
First, you need to run an empty database with a decidim dev container which runs nothing.
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
docker-compose up -d
Once created, you access the decidim container
# Get the id of the decidim dev container
docker ps --format {{.ID}}
# f16bd5314386
docker exec -it f16bd5314386 bash
You are now in bash, run manually docker-entrypoint
# Will check your environment and do migrations if needed
You are now ready to use your container in the way you want for development:
- Run a rails server:
bundle exec rails s -b
- Have live-reload on your assets:
- Execute tasks, like
bundle exec rails g migration AddSomeColumn
- etc.
bundle exec rails s -b # rails server
To stop everything, uses:
docker-compose down
to stop the containersdocker-compose down -v
to stop the containers and remove all previously saved data.
To debug something on the container:
- Ensure
is running
docker ps --all
- Run
docker exec -it decidim-app bash
- Run
tail -f $ROOT/log/development.log
to access logsbundle exec rails restart
to restart rails server AND keeps webpacker runningcd $ROOT
to access the development_app
cd $ROOT/../decidim_module_geo
to access the module directory
I can't see logs on the decidim-app
runs here in development webpacker-dev-server
AND a puma server, on the same container.
Thus, we just run both, and only one will be displayed on STDOUT. To see puma log: docker exec decidim-app tail -f /home/app/decidim/log/development.log
It takes for ever to pull the image?
Try to pull from docker hub before doing your install script. docker pull hfroger/decidim:0.26.8-dev
can help.
Why must I access to
and not localhost
run a websocket server on port 3535, and the rails server needs to connect to it.
won't make the trick, and you need to use a "real" ip, like
. More info
We are not yet ready for contributions, but we are working on a goood workflow
Why it's not on MetaDecidim?
We think Decidim is already over complicated to install and setup. This module uses PosGis extensions on a postgres database, that can be hard to install. We block the proposal to metadecidim until these points are solved:
- We have stable release.
- We have feedbacks from participants that it is actually usefull.
- We have feedbacks from Decidim's admins that this is actually improving participation.
- Decidim run primarly on docker, with an updated documentation on installation. (We, at Octree is working on it for a while)
This engine is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE