The docgenerator-gem allows the definition of documents and export to
- LaTeX
- Creole (a common wiki markup, see http://www.wikicreole.org )
- plain text (not very good supported)
- context (only rudimentory tests)
This gem is an extension with a Creole-Wiki to TeX/HTML-Translator
Before docgenerator 3.0 the creole parts are integrated to the main gem.
The creole markup is defined at http://www.wikicreole.org
Please check the examples:
===Special LaTeX-Packages
There is also support of some special (LaTeX)-documents:
- lib/creole/plugins/rail.rb: build rail-diagramms (rail.sty)
See examples/creole_example_rail.rb
- lib/creole/plugins/struktex.rb: Build structogramms (struktex.sty)
See examples/creole_example_struktex.rb
- lib/creole/plugins/rubycode4creole.rb:
Use ruby-code as generator for wiki-content.
Can be used to build examples.
See examples/creole_example_rubycode.rb
==Version and History
For actual Version see Docgenerator::Creole::VERSION.
===Version 3.0.0. 2015-05-29
Initial version as own gem.
Changes to docgenerator 2.0:
- tabular cells are right justified if the content contains only numbers.