ROXML Ruby Object to XML mapping library.
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=Quick Start Guide
This is a short usage example. See ROXML::ClassMethods::Declarations and packaged test cases for more information.
==Basic Mapping
Consider an XML document representing a Library containing a number of Books. You
can map this structure to Ruby classes that provide addition useful behavior. With
ROXML, you can annotate the Ruby classes as follows:
class Book
include ROXML
xml_accessor :isbn, :from => "@ISBN" # attribute with name 'ISBN'
xml_accessor :title
xml_accessor :description, :cdata => true # text node with cdata protection
xml_accessor :author
class Library
include ROXML
xml_accessor :name, :from => "NAME", :cdata => true
xml_accessor :books, :as => [Book] # by default roxml searches for books for in <book> child nodes, then, if none are present, in ./books/book children
To create a library and put a number of books in it we could run the following code:
book =
book.isbn = "0201710897"
book.title = "The PickAxe"
book.description = "Best Ruby book out there!" = "David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas"
lib = = "Favorite Books"
lib.books = [book]
To save this information to an XML file:
doc =
doc.root = lib.to_xml"library.xml")
To later populate the library object from the XML file:
lib = Library.from_xml("library.xml"))
Similarly, to do a one-to-one mapping between XML objects, such as book and publisher,
you would add a reference to another ROXML class. For example:
Programming Ruby - 2nd Edition
Second edition of the great book.
Pragmatic Bookshelf
can be mapped using the following code:
class Publisher
include ROXML
xml_accessor :name
# other important functionality
class BookWithPublisher
include ROXML
xml_name 'book'
xml_reader :publisher, :as => Publisher
# or, alternatively, if no class is needed to hang functionality on:
# xml_reader :publisher, :from => 'name', :in => 'publisher'
Note: In the above example, xml_name annotation tells ROXML to set the element
name to "book" for mapping to XML. The default is XML element name is the class name in lowercase; "bookwithpublisher"
in this case.
== Manipulation
Extending the above examples, say you want to parse a book's page count and have it available as an Integer.
In such a case, you can extend any object with a block to manipulate it's value at parse time. For example:
class Dog
include ROXML
xml_reader(:age, :from => '@human_years', :as => Integer) {|years| years * 7 }
The result of the block above is stored, rather than the actual value parsed from the document.
== Construction
Object life-cycle is as follows: .from_xml is called with a first argument representing the xml
in file, string, or path form, and with optional initialization_args following.
Firt .new and thus #initialize, is called with those same initialization_args, or no args if none
are present. Then the object is populated with the attribute values from xml. Then the
#after_parse callback is called, with no arguments.
In #after_parse you can ensure that your object initialization is complete, including initialization which
requires more than one variable in concert.
class Measurement
include ROXML
xml_reader :units, :from => :attr
xml_reader :value, :from => :content
def initialize(value = 0, units = 'meters')
def after_parse
# xml attributes of self are already valid
def to_metric
# translate units & value into metric, for example
One important use of this approach is to make ROXML object which may or may not include an xml backing,
which may be used via new construction as well as from_xml construction.
== Selecting a parser
By default, ROXML will use LibXML if it is available, or otherwise REXML. If you'd like to
explicitly require one or the other, you may do the following:
module ROXML
XML_PARSER = 'libxml' # or 'rexml'
require 'roxml'
For more information on available annotations, see ROXML::ClassMethods::Declarations