Eastrails generator
This is a tool developed by East Agile to simplify the creation of
Rails app and the addition of different components to an existing Rails app.
It provides the following functionalities
Create a new rails app
eastrails init <app_name>
We simply bridge that to the rails new app. Prior to that, we create
a gemset with the same name of the app and then install everything into
that gemset.
Also you can specify some components for new rails app by passing
component names:
eastrails init <app_name> <comma_separated_components_names>
Aside, we also provide some aliases:
tdd = rspec,cucumber
default = tdd,haml,devise,twitter_bootstrap
For full list supported components, see next section.
Adding components
Once the project created, you may want to add several components to it:
eastrails add <component_name>
These components are supported: Rspec, Cucumber, Heroku, Capistrano,
Haml, Devise, New Relic, Jasmine, Exception Notifier, Twitter Boostrap,
Cancan, Vcr.
Use their underscore form (rspec, new_relic,...) to pass into the eastrails add
With each component, we supply the simplest configuration that make that
component available.
Check for security holes
eastrails check