This is a Ruby library for interacting with the Ecologi API.
To get started, install the gem as normal:
gem "ecologi"
Then you'll need to grab an API key from your Impact API page.
Once you've got an API key, setup a client like so:
@client = ENV["API_KEY"])
You can then use the following methods.
Purchasing Trees
To purchase trees for an account. Requires a number. The name parameter is optional. Returns a Ecologi::TreePurchase
@client.trees.purchase number: 2, name: "Tree's for user"
Purchasing Carbon Offsets
To purchase carbon offsets for an account. Requires number and units. Returns a Ecologi::CarbonOffsetPurchase
Units must be either KG or Tonnes.
@client.carbon_offsets.purchase number: 2, units: "KG"
Reporting - Total Impact
Returns a Ecologi::Report
object with the total number of trees and carbon offset for a user.
@client.reporting.total_impact username: "deanpcmad"
Reporting - Total Trees
Returns a Ecologi::Report
object with the total number of trees for a user.
@client.reporting.total_trees username: "deanpcmad"
Reporting - Total Carbon Offset
Returns a Ecologi::Report
object with the total amount of carbon offset for a user.
@client.reporting.total_carbon username: "deanpcmad"
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.