You can sign up for an iyzico account at https://iyzico.com
- Ruby 1.9.3 or newer
- rest-client
gem install iyzipay
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'iyzipay'
before :all do
@options = Iyzipay::Options.new
@options.api_key = 'your api key'
@options.secret_key = 'your secret key'
@options.base_url = 'https://sandbox-api.iyzipay.com'
it 'should create payment' do
payment_card = {
cardHolderName: 'John Doe',
cardNumber: '5528790000000008',
expireYear: '2030',
expireMonth: '12',
cvc: '123',
registerCard: 0
buyer = {
id: 'BY789',
name: 'John',
surname: 'Doe',
identityNumber: '74300864791',
email: 'email@email.com',
gsmNumber: '+905350000000',
registrationDate: '2013-04-21 15:12:09',
lastLoginDate: '2015-10-05 12:43:35',
registrationAddress: 'Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1',
city: 'Istanbul',
country: 'Turkey',
zipCode: '34732',
ip: ''
address = {
address: 'Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1',
zipCode: '34732',
contactName: 'John Doe',
city: 'Istanbul',
country: 'Turkey'
item1 = {
id: 'BI101',
name: 'Binocular',
category1: 'Collectibles',
category2: 'Accessories',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::PHYSICAL,
price: '0.3'
item2 = {
id: 'BI102',
name: 'Game code',
category1: 'Game',
category2: 'Online Game Items',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::VIRTUAL,
price: '0.5'
item3 = {
id: 'BI103',
name: 'Usb',
category1: 'Electronics',
category2: 'Usb / Cable',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::PHYSICAL,
price: '0.2'
request = {
locale: Iyzipay::Model::Locale::TR,
conversationId: '123456789',
price: '1.0',
paidPrice: '1.1',
installment: 1,
paymentChannel: Iyzipay::Model::PaymentChannel::WEB,
basketId: 'B67832',
paymentGroup: Iyzipay::Model::PaymentGroup::SUBSCRIPTION,
currency: Iyzipay::Model::Currency::TRY,
paymentCard: payment_card,
buyer: buyer,
billingAddress: address,
shippingAddress: address,
basketItems: [item1, item2, item3]
payment = Iyzipay::Model::Payment.new.create(request, @options)
$stderr.puts payment.inspect
$stderr.puts 'oops'
See other samples under iyzipay-ruby/spec module.
You can run specs with RSpec under spec module.
Mock test cards
Test cards that can be used to simulate a successful payment:
Card Number | Bank | Card Type |
5890040000000016 | Akbank | Master Card (Debit) |
5526080000000006 | Akbank | Master Card (Credit) |
4766620000000001 | Denizbank | Visa (Debit) |
4603450000000000 | Denizbank | Visa (Credit) |
4729150000000005 | Denizbank Bonus | Visa (Credit) |
4987490000000002 | Finansbank | Visa (Debit) |
5311570000000005 | Finansbank | Master Card (Credit) |
9792020000000001 | Finansbank | Troy (Debit) |
9792030000000000 | Finansbank | Troy (Credit) |
5170410000000004 | Garanti Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
5400360000000003 | Garanti Bankası | Master Card (Credit) |
374427000000003 | Garanti Bankası | American Express |
4475050000000003 | Halkbank | Visa (Debit) |
5528790000000008 | Halkbank | Master Card (Credit) |
4059030000000009 | HSBC Bank | Visa (Debit) |
5504720000000003 | HSBC Bank | Master Card (Credit) |
5892830000000000 | Türkiye İş Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
4543590000000006 | Türkiye İş Bankası | Visa (Credit) |
4910050000000006 | Vakıfbank | Visa (Debit) |
4157920000000002 | Vakıfbank | Visa (Credit) |
5168880000000002 | Yapı ve Kredi Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
5451030000000000 | Yapı ve Kredi Bankası | Master Card (Credit) |
Cross border test cards:
Card Number | Country |
4054180000000007 | Non-Turkish (Debit) |
5400010000000004 | Non-Turkish (Credit) |
6221060000000004 | Iran |
Test cards to get specific error codes:
Card Number | Description |
5406670000000009 | Success but cannot be cancelled, refund or post auth |
4111111111111129 | Not sufficient funds |
4129111111111111 | Do not honour |
4128111111111112 | Invalid transaction |
4127111111111113 | Lost card |
4126111111111114 | Stolen card |
4125111111111115 | Expired card |
4124111111111116 | Invalid cvc2 |
4123111111111117 | Not permitted to card holder |
4122111111111118 | Not permitted to terminal |
4121111111111119 | Fraud suspect |
4120111111111110 | Pickup card |
4130111111111118 | General error |
4131111111111117 | Success but mdStatus is 0 |
4141111111111115 | Success but mdStatus is 4 |
4151111111111112 | 3dsecure initialize failed |