Add to your Gemfile and bundle:
gem "family_gallery"
Then add something like this to your Rails-app's "routes.rb":
mount FamilyGallery::Engine => "/family_gallery"
Create a config-file under "#{Rails.root}/config/family_gallery.yml" and insert this:
app_id: 123
app_secret: 321
In order to use the existing translations, you should add this line to your "application.rb":
config.i18n.load_path += Dir[FamilyGallery::Engine.root.join("config", "locales", "**", "*.yml").to_s]
To create an admin-user with a password of "password", you can run the seed script like this:
bundle exec rake family_gallery:seed
You should now be able to access it on "http://localhost:3000/family_gallery".
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.