= FlickrMocks
Wiki[http://wiki.github.com/takaltoo/flickrmocks] | RDocs[http://rdoc.info/projects/takaltoo/flickrmocks]
FlickrMocks simplifies access to the Flickr API by providing wrappers and helpers on top of
the FlickRaw[https://github.com/hanklords/flickraw] gem.
== Installation
In a standalone ruby project:
gem install flickrmocks
# in your code
require 'flickrmocks'
In Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile.
gem "flickrmocks"
In Rails 2, add this to your environment.rb file.
config.gem "flickrmocks"
Alternatively, you can install it as a plugin.
rails plugin install git://github.com/takaltoo/flickrmocks.git
== Getting Started
FlickrMocks API helpers expect the FlickRaw.api_key to be initialized before they are called:
FlickRaw.api_key = your_flickr_api_key
In Rails you can automate the initialization by creating the initializer file
config/initializers/flickraw_config.rb with the content:
FlickRaw.api_key = your_flickr_api_key[http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html]
Alternatively, your flickr api key can be placed into a separate
YAML[http://railscasts.com/episodes/85-yaml-configuration-file] configuration file.
In this scenario the contents of the config/initializers/flickrwa_config.rb would be something like:
FlickRaw.api_key = APP_CONFIG['flickr_api_key']
Your config/config.yml could look something similar to this (Note: you can use
this file to place all your custom configurations):
flickr_api_key: xyz
flickr_api_key: xyz
flickr_api_key: xyz
== Using the search API
FlickrMocks::Api.photo(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::Photo.
The options accepted include:
:photo_id => "id for photo"
:secret => "secret for photo"
FlickrMocks::Api.photo_details(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::PhotoDetails.
The options accepted include:
:photo_id => "id for photo"
:secret => "secret for photo"
FlickrMocks::Api.photos(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::PhotoSearch.
The options accepted include:
:search_terms => 'search terms' # comma separated list of search terms 'happy cow, pasture'
:owner_id => 'id for owner of photo' # either :owner_id or :search_terms must be specified
:tag_mode => 'all' # optional argument, can be either all or any
:per_page => '50' # optional argument, can be any number greater than 0
:page => '1' # optional argument, can be any number greater than 0
:base_url => 'url' # optional argument
FlickrMocks::Api.photo_sizes(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::PhotoSizes.
The options accepted include:
:photo_id => "id for photo"
:secret => "secret for photo" # optional argument
FlickrMocks::Api.interesting_photos(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::PhotoSearch.
The options accepted include:
:date => '2010-10-10' # date of format YYYY-MM-DD
:per_page => 'number' # optional argument
:page => 'number' # optional argument
FlickrMocks::Api.commons_institutions(options_hash), returns object of class FlickrMocks::CommonsInstitutions.
The options accepted include:
:per_page => 'number' # optional argument
:current_page => 'number' # optional argument
== Stubs for testing
FlickrMocks provides Rspec 2.0 stubs for the search API routines. To stub all the routines simply call:
By calling FlickrMocks::Stubs::Api.all the following methods will be stubbed.
NOTE: the stubs return errors when not called with proper options. Moreover, some of the stubs return
different objects depending on how they are called. For additional details please
refer RDocs[http://rdoc.info/projects/takaltoo/flickrmocks].
== Additional Docs
== Questions or Problems?
If you have any issues with FlickrMocks which you cannot find the solution to in the documentation,
please add an issue on GitHub[http://github.com/takaltoo/flickrmocks/issues] or fork the project
and send a pull request.
To get the specs running you should call +bundle+ and then +rake+.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I do not break it
in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself
I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request.
== License
FlickrMocks is released under the MIT license.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Takaltoo