Fluentd output plugin to put metric data to AWS CloudWatch.
This plugin for fluentd-0.14.x or later.
$ gem install fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put
Add following line to your Gemfile:
gem "fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-put"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Plugin helpers
<match cloudwatch.metric_name>
@type cloudwatch_put
<buffer tag, key1>
path cloudwatch.*.buffer
flush_interval 1m
aws_key_id "#{ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]}"
aws_sec_key "#{ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]}"
region ap-northeast-1
namespace "Dummy/Namespace"
metric_name ${tag[1]}
unit Count
value_key value
name method
value ${key1}
namespace (string) (required)
CloudWatch metric namespace (support placeholder)
metric_name (string) (required)
CloudWatch metric name (support placeholder)
key_as_metric_name (bool) (optional)
Use record key as metric name
Default value: false
unit (string) (required)
CloudWatch metric unit (support placeholder)
value_key (array<string>) (required)
Use this key as metric value
storage_resolution (integer) (optional)
Cloudwatch storage resolution
Default value: 60
use_statistic_sets (bool) (optional)
If this is true, aggregates record chunk before put metric
<dimensions> section (required) (multiple)
name (string) (required)
Dimension name (support placeholder)
key (string) (optional)
Use this key as dimension value. If use_statistic_sets is true, this param is not supported. Use value
value (string) (optional)
Use static value as dimension value (support placeholder)
<buffer> section (optional) (multiple)
chunk_limit_size (optional)
Default value: 30720
chunk_limit_records (optional)
Default value: 20
Configuration for Authentication
aws_key_id (string) (optional)
AWS access key id
aws_sec_key (string) (optional)
AWS secret key.
region (string) (optional)
region name
Default value: us-east-1
proxy_uri (string) (optional)
URI of proxy environment
<assume_role_credentials> section (optional) (single)
role_arn (string) (required)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume
role_session_name (string) (required)
An identifier for the assumed role session
policy (string) (optional)
An IAM policy in JSON format
duration_seconds (integer) (optional)
The duration, in seconds, of the role session (900-3600)
external_id (string) (optional)
A unique identifier that is used by third parties when assuming roles in their customers' accounts.
<instance_profile_credentials> section (optional) (single)
retries (integer) (optional)
Number of times to retry when retrieving credentials
ip_address (string) (optional)
IP address (default:
port (integer) (optional)
Port number (default:80)
http_open_timeout (float) (optional)
Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open
http_read_timeout (float) (optional)
Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read
<shared_credentials> section (optional) (single)
path (string) (optional)
Path to the shared file. (default: $HOME/.aws/credentials)
profile_name (string) (optional)
Profile name. Default to 'default' or ENV['AWS_PROFILE']
- Copyright(c) 2017- joker1007
- License