When I want to play with some idea or try something out quickly,
lets say in Sinatra, I go to my deleteme folder and create a new
project named sinatra-fuckery. The problem is that some of these
are worth hanging onto, at least for a little while, but they get
lost in all the folders there. Fuckery would be a gem that manages
these projects for you. Examples of things you could do
Current features
$ fuckery new example # create a dir in ~/.fuckery named "example" unless overridden with env var FUCKERY_HOME
$ fuckery list # lists the fuckeries you've made
$ fuckery delete example # get rid of it forever
Future features
fuckery new example
might cd you into there.
$ fuckery new example --template rspec # same, but create a basic skeleton like Bones or Hoe or Jeweler (though not gem oriented)
$ fuckery list --archived # lists the fuckeries you've archived
$ fuckery archive example # move example from active fuckeries list to archived list (ie keep it, but don't show it to me all the time)
$ fuckery unarchive example # move example from archived to active
$ fuckery export example # copy the fuckery out of its segregated area and drop it in the current dir (like `gem unpack`)