Google Currency with Rails Cache
This gem extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange with Money::Bank::GoogleCurrency
and gives you access to the current Google Currency exchange rates.
You have to load one of the JSON libraries supported by
MultiJSON (json
for example)
if it's not already loaded by your application. In a Rails application,
ActiveSupport provides a JSON implementation that is automatically recognized.
This fork of the original GoogleCurrency library uses the Rails.cache for exchange rate
storage instead of a Mutex. It is designed for multiple application server environments.
require 'money'
require 'money/bank/google_currency'
require 'json'
MultiJson.engine = :json_gem # or :yajl
# set default bank to instance of GoogleCurrency
Money.default_bank =
# create a new money object, and use the standard #exchange_to method
n = 1.to_money(:USD)
An UnknownRate
will be thrown if #exchange_to
is called with a Currency
that Money
knows, but Google does not.
An UnknownCurrency
will be thrown if #exchange_to
is called with a
that Money
does not know.
Original Google Currency work is Copyright (c) 2011 Shane Emmons. See {file:LICENSE} for details.