h1. Ruby client library for the Google Storage API
This is the first release and supports all the basic operations. Advanced support for ACLs etc.. coming soon
h2. Install the gem
sudo gem install gstore
h2. Using the gem
Visit "The Google Storage Key Manager":https://sandbox.google.com/storage/m/manage to get your access and secret keys.
In your code just: require 'gstore'
h2. Basic Examples
Create an instance of the client with your credentials:
client = GStore::Client.new(
:access_key => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
:secret_key => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
# List all of your existing Buckets
Here are some example bucket operations:
# Create a Bucket
# Retrieve a Bucket
# Delete a [empty] Bucket
Once you have a bucket you can manipulate objects in the following way:
# Store a file in a bucket
client.put_object('my_unique_bucket', 'my_first_object', :data => File.read('mytext.txt'))
# Retrieve the contents of the object in the specified bucket
puts client.get_object('my_unique_bucket', 'my_first_object')
# Alternatively specify an outfile and the contents will be saved to there
client.get_object('my_unique_bucket', 'my_first_object', :outfile => 'retrieved_mytext.txt')
# Delete an object from the bucket
client.delete_object('my_unique_bucket', 'my_first_object')
h2. Advanced Examples
h3. Query parameters
For certain requests like get_bucket('my_unique_bucket')
you can specify query parameters like max-keys
, prefix
, delimiter
and marker
(see "The Google Developer Guide":http://code.google.com/apis/storage/docs/developer-guide.html) for more information.
Here's an example with gstore:
client.get_bucket('my_unique_bucket', :params => {:max_keys => 2, :prefix => 'backup'})
is converted to max-keys
so you can use the ruby symbol without quotes. :"max-keys"
and "max-keys"
also work
h3. Access Control
Here is how you retrieve the ACL for a bucket or object:
client.get_bucket('my_unique_bucket', :params => {:acl => ''})
client.get_bucket('my_unique_bucket', 'my_first_object', :params => {:acl => ''})
To create a bucket or object with one of the pre-defined ACL's:
client.create_bucket('my_public_bucket', :headers => {:x_goog_acl => 'public-read'})
client.create_object('my_public_bucket', 'my_public_object', :headers => {:x_goog_acl => 'public-read-write'})
is converted to x-goog-acl
so you can use the ruby symbol without quotes. :"x-goog-acl"
and "x-goog-acl"
also work