== Contributors
Lucas Nussbaum lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net
Stephan Maka stephan@spaceboyz.net
Kirill A. Shutemov k.shutemov@gmail.com
Yuki Mitsui
Peter Schrammel
Vojtech Vobr
Andreas Wiese
Chris Zelenak
Sam Ruby
Glenn Rempe glenn@rempe.us
== Project Info
You can find info about the xmpp4r project and how to contribute
at the project home page:
If you need to ask questions, feel free to ask them on the
xmpp4r-devel@gna.org mailing list. When reporting problems,
please include a protocol dump which can be enabled with:
Jabber::debug = true
== Source Code
The source for xmpp4r is managed in a Git repository and can currently be
found in our GitHub.com project page:
== Installation
=== Install over the network
You can install current releases of the xmpp4r library from a release copy
using RubyGems:
sudo gem install xmpp4r
If you want to install a gem snapshot built from the latest source code
found on the master branch of our Git repository you can install using:
sudo gem install ln-xmpp4r -s http://gems.github.com
=== Install from local sources
If you have a local copy of the source repository or a tarball
you can install xmpp4r using Rake/RubyGems. First you'll
need to get a local copy.
Download using the Git SCM:
git clone git://github.com/ln/xmpp4r.git
OR download a .tar.gz archive from:
Now that you have the code, install using Rake:
Show all available rake tasks
cd xmpp4r/
rake -T
Package up the gem file and install it
rake install
== License
XMPP4R is released under the Ruby license (see the LICENSE file), which is
compatible with the GNU GPL (see the COPYING file) via an explicit
dual-licensing clause.