- Prototype an ingest workflow that is potentially useful to several institutions
- Demonstrate how to rely on sufia-models when creating a new gem
- Prove (test) the usefulness of sufia-models
- Use hydra-collections when dealing with sets of object
- How to use hydra-editor for using metadata
- Extracting the multi-file upload from sufia
in your Gemfile add:
gem 'hydra_mediated'
rails g blacklight --devise
rails g hydra:head -f
rake db:migrate
Add to config/routes.rb before the blacklight routes:
mount HydraMediated::Engine => '/'
if you are using rails 3
rm public/index.html
if you are using rails 4 pin to a compatible branch of sufia-models
in the gemfile add
gem 'sufia-models', github: 'projecthydra/sufia', branch: 'rails4'