= IE Status Controller Gem
Gem for adding a consistent entrypoint for application uptime monitoring.
== Features
Exercises the full application stack, including the database read/write.
- Renders iedb$ok with a status code of 200 if everything is OK.
- Renders iedb?error with a status code of 503 if anything goes wrong.
== Supported Versions
Known to work, other versions may work as well.
- Rails > 4.2 (Use version 2.1 of this gem for support for versions: 3.2, 4.0, 4.1)
== Installation
=== Gemfile
Ensure this line is at the top of your Gemfile:
source 'https://gems.iexposure.com'
Then, put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'ie_status_controller'
Run bundle:
% bundle
Finally, run migrations for your application:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
=== Routes
In config/routes.rb, add:
mount IeStatusController::Engine => '/status'
Note: Rails routes are processed from the top down. This route is frequently requested by automated processes,
and should be placed toward the top of your routes for maximum application performance.
== Usage
Hit your application at /status/alive to check the status.