Satellite🛰️ - Jekyll blog theme
An emotional and adorable blog theme powered by Jekyll.
Live demo is available here
Light Mode
Dark Mode
Fresh and Attractive Design
- Comment System using giscus
- Copy contents of Code Block
- Dark/Light Theme
- Google Analytics
- Hierarchical Categorization
- Mobile friendly design
- Related Posts
- RSS/Sitemap support
- Search Post by Title or Tags
- Syntax Highlighter (highlight.js)
- Table of Contents
- Visitor Counter (goatcounter)
There are two ways to setup this theme:
Method 1: Build from source (Recommended)
Fork this repository or download the source as a zip.
If you use as destination a repository named, then your url will be
Otherwise (let's say myblog
), you need to edit the 'baseurl' parameter in _config.yml
. In this case, the root page will be served to "".
baseurl: /myblog
Method 2: Utilize Gem package
Create a clean site directory (Follow the Instruction 1~4 described here).
The following materials are redundant, so remove them.
- index.markdown
- about.markdown
Then, add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile
gem "jekyll-theme-satellite"
You need to replace the initial _config.yml
file with the prepared one.
Modify your site setting
Now fill in the site variable such as blog name, profile image, and social accounts in _config.yml
description: "Satellite - jekyll blog theme"
logo_img: "/assets/img/favicon.webp"
profile_img: "/assets/img/profile.jpg"
github_username: github
twitter_username: twitter
instagram_username: instagram
linkedin_username: linkedin
facebook_username: facebook
Run site locally
From the site root directory, install the dependencies:
bundle install
Start a Jekyll service.
bundle exec jekyll serve
Now open http://localhost:4000 in your browser.
You can find useful manuals for customizing your site from the below table:
| |
Posting guidelines | link |
Enabling comment system | link |
Enabling Visitor counter | link |
If you would like to report a bug or request a new feature, please open an issue We are open to any kind of feedback or collaboration.
© 2024 Yankos. This theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.