JFrog Saas Log Collector gem is intended for downloading and extracting of log files generated in Artifactory or Xray on the Jfrog Cloud.
The Log Collection feature on the cloud instance has to be enabled for this gem to perform the download and extract of the logs.
For Gem based install, Ruby Interpreter has to be setup first, following is the recommended process to install Ruby
1. Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) as described in https://rvm.io/rvm/install#installation-explained, ensure to follow all the onscreen instructions provided to complete the rvm installation
* For installation across users a SUDO based install is recommended, the installation is as described in https://rvm.io/support/troubleshooting#sudo
2. Once rvm installation is complete, verify the RVM installation executing the command 'rvm -v'
3. Now install ruby v2.7.0 or above executing the command 'rvm install <ver_num>', ex: 'rvm install 2.7.5'
4. Verify the ruby installation, execute 'ruby -v', gem installation 'gem -v' and 'bundler -v' to ensure all the components are intact
5. Post completion of Ruby, Gems installation, the environment is ready to further install new gems, execute the following gem install commands one after other to setup the needed ecosystem
Install it:
$ gem install jfrog-saas-log-collector
Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'jfrog-saas-log-collector'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Once the gem is successfully installed, use the gem to generate the sample config file,
$ jfrog-saas-log-collector -g <full_path_of_the_config_file>
$ jfrog-saas-log-collector -g /var/opt/jfrog/saas/sampleconfig.yaml
The config file sample would look like this,
jpd_url: "<saas_jpd_url>"
end_point_base: "artifactory"
username: "<admin_user>"
access_token: "<admin_access_token>"
open_timeout_in_secs: 20
read_timeout_in_secs: 60
log_ship_config: "access/api/v1/logshipping/config"
solutions_enabled: ["artifactory", "xray"]
log_types_enabled: ["access-request", "router-request"]
uri_date_pattern: "%Y-%m-%d"
audit_repo: "artifactory/jfrog-logs-audit"
log_repo: "artifactory/jfrog-logs"
debug_mode: false
target_log_path: "<path_to_extract_logs_for_artifactory>"
print_with_utc: false
log_file_retention_days: 5
parallel_process: 2
parallel_downloads: 5
historical_log_days: 2
write_logs_by_type: false
minutes_between_runs: 180
Provide all the necessary values to the tags which have angular braces like "<saas_jpd_url>" to "https://example.jfrog.io", fill in for all other segments. Do not change any other values unless the operation associated with the other tag is understood well.
Once done, the jfrog-saas-log collector execution can be started by executing the command
$ jfrog-saas-log-collector -c <full_path_of_the_config_file>
$ jfrog-saas-log-collector -c /var/opt/jfrog/saas/sampleconfig.yaml
The gem records the progress or errors on the STDOUT / console and in a logfile (if the config provided is valid) which can be located at <path_to_extract_logs_for_artifactory>/jfrog-saas-collector.log
For all the options supported use
$ jfrog-saas-log-collector -h OR $ jfrog-saas-log-collector --help
Usage: jfrog-saas-log-collector [options]
-h, --help Prints this help
-g, --generate=CONFIG Generates sample config file from template to target file provided
-c, --config=CONFIG Executes the jfrog-saas-log-collector with the config file provided
Bug reports are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jfrog/jfrog-saas-log-collector/issues.