Gem for generating .odt files by making strings, images and tables substitutions in a previously created .odt file.
@gem install josecosta-odf-report --source=http://gems.github.com@
h4. Step 1 -- the template
First of all, you need to create a .odt file to serve as a template
Templates are normal .odt files with placeholders for Substitutions
There are now three kinds of substitutions available: fields, tables and images.
h4. Fields placeholders
It's just an upcase sentence, surrounded by brackets. It will be replaced for wathever value you supply.
In the folowing example:
report = ODFReport.new("Users/john/my_template.odt") do |r|
r.add_field :user_name, @user.name
r.add_field :address, "My new address"
All occurences of @[USER_NAME]@ found in the file will be replaced by the value of @@user.name@ whereas all @[ADDRESS]@ 'es will contains @My new address@
It's as simple as that.
h4. Table placeholders
To use table placeholders, you should create a Table in your document and give it a name. In OpenOffice, it's just a matter of right-clicking the table you just created, choose Table Properties... and type a name in the Name field.
If the table has two rows, the first one will be treated as a header and left untouched. Otherwise you should use a table with one row only.
As with Field placeholders, just insert a @[FIELD_NAME]@ in each cell and let the magic takes place.
Taking the folowing example:
report = ODFReport.new("Users/john/my_template.odt") do |r|
r.add_field "USER_NAME", @user.nome
r.add_field "ADDRESS", @user.address
r.add_table("TABLE_1", @list_of_itens) do |row, item|
row["ITEM_ID"] = item.id
row["DESCRIPTION"] = "==> #{item.description}"
and considering you have a table like this in your template
and a collection @list_of_itens, it will be created one row for each item in the collection, and the replacement will take place accordingly.
Any format applied to the fields in the template will be preserved.
h4. Images
You must put a mock image in your odt template and give it a name. That name will be used to replace the mock image for the actual image.
You can also assign any properties you want to the mock image and they will be kept once the image is replaced.
An image replace would look like this:
report = ODFReport.new("Users/john/my_template.odt") do |r|
r.add_image :graphics1, "/path/to/the/image.jpg"
And that's it.
h4. Step 2 -- generating the document
It's fairly simple to generate the document. You can use this inside a Rails application or in a standalone script.
h4. Generating a document in a Rails application
In a controller, you can have a code like this:
def print
report = ODFReport.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/reports/ticket.odt") do |r|
r.add_field(:id, @ticket.id.to_s)
r.add_field(:created_by, @ticket.created_by)
r.add_field(:created_at, @ticket.created_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M"))
r.add_field(:type, @ticket.type.name)
r.add_field(:status, @ticket.status_text)
r.add_field(:date, Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M"))
r.add_field(:solution, (@ticket.solution || ''))
r.add_table("OPERATORS", @ticket.operators) do | row, op |
row["OPERATOR_NAME"] = "#{op.name} (#{op.department.short_name})"
r.add_table("FIELDS", @ticket.fields) do | row, field |
if field.is_a?(String)
row["FIELD_NAME"] = 'Materials'
row["FIELD_VALUE"] = field
row["FIELD_NAME"] = field.name
row["FIELD_VALUE"] = field.text_value || ''
report_file_name = report.generate
The @generate@ method will, er... generate the document in a temp dir and returns the full path of the generated file, so you can send it back to the user.
That's all I have to say about that.
h4. Generating a document in a standalone script
It's just the same as in a Rails app, but you can inform the path where the file will be generated instead of using a temp dir.
report = ODFReport.new("ticket.odt") do |r|
... populates the report ...
rubyzip: for manipulating the contents of the odt file, since it's actually a zip file.