== jsc
jsc, JavaScript Compiler
by Davide Saurino
Ruby API to Google Closure Compiler Web service.
== Features
With jsc you can compile your JavaScript code throught {Google Closure Compiler REST service}[http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/].
The package comes with a jsc command which accepts several options, run:
jsc --help
for help.
More in details:
- Ruby API actually is a single function call, JSCompiler.compile()
- Handling of JSON responses, parse and print them (same output of the Google web interface!)
- Handling of Server Errors responses
- Compile a file or a piece of code
- Emacs snippet to compile code your code for errors and warnings
- flymake compatible
Check {Google API Reference}[http://code.google.com/intl/it-IT/closure/compiler/docs/api-ref.html] for more info about accepted parameters.
== Synopsis
Get compiled code, if no errors are found:
jsc js/compiled_code.js
Compile a file, check for errors:
jsc js/errors.js -e
Compile a file, check for warnings:
jsc js/warnings.js -w
Compile a file and get compression stats:
jsc js/compiled_code.js -s
Compile a piece of code, check for errors:
jsc -e -c "function("
Compile a file for both errors and warnings:
jsc js/compiled_code.js -a
== Install
If you have gemcutter in your gem sources, run:
[sudo] gem install jsc
== Emacs+flymake+jsc
For GNU Emacs users, jsc provides a {flymake}[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FlyMake] compatible output. So you can use jsc+flymake to have a syntax check tool running in the background while editing your javascript files.
Look at the {wiki page}[http://wiki.github.com/sub/jsc/flymake] for more info.
== Emacs snippet
Do you want to compile your code right from Emacs?
to your emacs load-path and restart Emacs.
Now, select the code to compile and run:
- CcJe to check for errors
- CcJw to check for warnings.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Davide Saurino. See LICENSE for details.