![Gem Version](
KtPaperclipOptimizer is a kt-Paperclip processor for
optimizing and minifying uploaded images.
It is just a thin wrapper around ImageOptim,
which supports many external optimization libraries such as advpng, gifsicle,
jhead, jpegoptim, jpeg-recompress,
jpegtran, optipng, pngcrush, pngout,
pngquant and svgo.
What's new
2020-03-31 3.0.0
- Use the maintained gem kt-paperclip instead of the deprecated papercip gem.
2015-01-16 2.0.0
better configuration: set options globally, per attachment and per style
Thanks to danschultzer, braindeaf and
tirdadc for pull requests, input and reports
all available optimization libraries are disabled by default
Previous versions enabled jpegtran and optipng by default. You will have to
re-enable them manually if you wish to retain that behaviour
optimizers which are enabled but missing or broken are ignored by default
Read the CHANGELOG for previous changes.
PaperclipOptimizer is currently compatible with Paperclip 3.4.2 up to 4.2.x.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile after the Paperclip gem:
gem 'paperclip-optimizer'
And then execute:
$ bundle
If you wish to set global configuration settings, run
$ rails generate paperclip_optimizer:install
to generate an initializer in config/initializers.
image_optim automatically inserts itself into the asset pipeline and tries to compress your /app/assets/images
as well.
Since it enables all libraries it supports by default, you might suddenly run into errors if you do not have all
of them installed.
Please note: settings you made through PaperclipOptimizer only apply to Paperclip attachments, not to image_optims asset compressor.
To disable image_optim in your asset pipeline, add
config.assets.image_optim = false
to your config/application.rb.
See ImageOptims README
on how to install the various optimization libraries.
Deployment on Heroku
If you deploy to Heroku, take a look at the image_optim_bin gem. It supplies the necessary
optimization binaries, compiled and ready for Herokus environment. Make sure to include it before paperclip-optimizer.
gem "image_optim_bin", group: :production
gem "paperclip-optimizer"
Just add :paperclip_optimizer
to Paperclips' :processors
- setting:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :avatar
has_attached_file :avatar,
styles: { thumb: "100x100>" },
processors: [:thumbnail, :paperclip_optimizer]
Remember to include the :thumbnail
processor as well if you want to retain
Paperclips geometry functionality.
You can pass configuration options to ImageOptim in three locations: globally, per attachment and per style.
Settings are merged, so more specific settings replace less specific ones.
Global settings
Global settings apply everywhere. You can override them with per-attachment and per-style settings.
Run rails generate paperclip_optimizer:install
to create an initializer for global settings.
Paperclip::PaperclipOptimizer.default_options = {
skip_missing_workers: false
Per-attachment settings
Per-attachment settings apply to all styles of a particular attachment. Override them with per-style settings.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :avatar
has_attached_file :avatar,
processors: [:thumbnail, :paperclip_optimizer],
paperclip_optimizer: {
pngout: { strategy: 1 }
styles: {
thumb: { geometry: "100x100>" },
medium: { geometry: "200x200>" },
large: { geometry: "300x300>" }
Just like Paperclips' :styles
option, you can pass a lambda to :paperclip_optimizer
to configure it at runtime:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :avatar
has_attached_file :avatar,
processors: [:thumbnail, :paperclip_optimizer],
paperclip_optimizer: ->(attachment) { attachment.instance.my_model_instance_method },
styles: {
thumb: { geometry: "100x100>" },
medium: { geometry: "200x200>" },
large: { geometry: "300x300>" }
Per-style settings
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :avatar
has_attached_file :avatar,
processors: [:thumbnail, :paperclip_optimizer],
paperclip_optimizer: {
pngout: { strategy: 1 }
styles: {
thumb: { geometry: "100x100>" },
medium: { geometry: "200x200>" },
large: {
geometry: "300x300>",
paperclip_optimizer: {
pngout: { strategy: 4 }
See ImageOptims options or the initializer for
all available options.
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request