A result encapsulation class, like the Either
type in Haskell.
Context Quick Starting Guide
require "lab42/result/autoimport"
let(:ok) { Result.ok(42) }
let(:error) { Result.error("oh no!") }
Accessing a result
Then it's ok (I guess):
expect(ok).to be_ok
And its value might be of interest
expect(ok.value).to eq(42)
And it will execute the block passed to the if_ok
x = nil
expect(ok.if_ok {x = 42}).to eq(42)
expect(x).to eq(42)
And the value is passed in
expect(ok.if_ok{it/2}).to eq(21)
But not the one passed to the if_error
x = nil
expect(ok.if_error {x = 42}).to be_nil
expect(x).to be_nil
And will not raise any error
expect{ok.raise!}.not_to raise_error
But you must not access the error method
expect{ ok.error }.to raise_error(Lab42::Result::IllegalMonitorState, /must not invoke the error method on an ok result/)
And the same holds for the exception method
expect{ ok.exception }.to raise_error(Lab42::Result::IllegalMonitorState, /must not invoke the exception method on an ok result/)
If Error
But it is not an error
expect(error).not_to be_ok
And its value cannot be accessed anymore
expect{ error.value }.to raise_error(Lab42::Result::IllegalMonitorState, /must not invoke the value method on an error result/)
But of course now we can call the error methods #error
and #exception
expect(error.error).to eq("oh no!")
expect(error.exception).to eq(RuntimeError)
And it will certainly raise this time
expect{ error.raise! }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "oh no!")
And as often times you will match on an error case only and raise a custom exception the following shortcut comes in handy
expect{ error.raise!(KeyError) }.to raise_error(KeyError, "oh no!")
And also you might like to have access to the original message
expect{ error.raise!(KeyError) { "key not found #{it}"} }
.to raise_error(KeyError, "key not found oh no!")
And it will execute the block passed to the if_error
x = nil
expect(error.if_error {x = 42}).to eq(42)
expect(x).to eq(42)
And the error and message are passed in
expect(error.if_error {[_1, _2]}).to eq([RuntimeError, "oh no!"])
But not the one passed to the if_ok
x = nil
expect(error.if_ok {x = 42}).to be_nil
expect(x).to be_nil
Context: Capturing Exceptions
Given some code which might raise exceptions
class MyError < StandardError; end
def maybe_raise(answer)
raise MyError, "Not the correct answer" unless answer == 42
"Correct answer!"
Then you can rescue from the exception with
error = Result.from_rescue{maybe_raise(73)}
expect(error).not_to be_ok
And you can decostruct the error
Result.from_rescue{maybe_raise(73)} => {ok: false, error:}
expect(error).to eq("Not the correct answer")
But if you get the correct answer
Result.from_rescue{maybe_raise(42)} => {ok: true, value:}
expect(value).to eq("Correct answer!")
Context: More params for our constructors
Context: Ok without a value
Given an ok result with the default value
let(:default_ok) { Result.ok }
Then we still have an ok result
expect(default_ok).to be_ok
But its value is just nil
expect(default_ok.value).to be_nil
Context: Error with a different exception
Given an error with an explicit exception
let(:argument_error) { Result.error("do not do that", exception: ArgumentError) }
Then we will get that exception back
expect{ argument_error.raise! }
.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "do not do that")
Context: Pattern Matching and Conversions
While the Result
objectr is very strict on what methods can be called depending on its status (ok?, !ok?)
A more laissez-faire approach can be achieved via Pattern Matching and Conversions
We can deconstruct a result into a hash or an array, and the deconstruction into
a hash is identical to matching the result of #to_h
Given two results
let(:my_error) { Result.error("my bad") }
let(:my_success) { Result.ok("my good") }
let(:error_hash) { my_error.to_h }
let(:success_hash) { my_success.to_h }
Then we can convert them into hashes
expect(error_hash).to eq(ok: false, value: nil, error: "my bad", exception: RuntimeError)
expect(success_hash).to eq(ok: true, value: "my good", error: nil, exception: nil)
Then we can desconstruct the error as a hash (as seen above) ```ruby
my_error in {ok: false, error: message, exception: RuntimeError}
expect(message).to eq("my bad")
The deconstruction into an array however will yield two differently shaped patterns
And therefore...
my_error in [false, message, RuntimeError]
expect(message).to eq("my bad")
And the same holds for the ok result
my_success in [true, value]
expect(value).to eq("my good")
Context: Immutability
And last but not least, to assure that all instances of Result
are frozen we have removed the
default constructor (we have not - yet - shadowed Object#allocate
Given results
Then we do not have a default constructor
expect{ }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
Context: Close Integration
Although the Result class has its merits for error handling it
also encourages the usage of a pattern that I call Ok iff errors.empty?
This pattern is implemented by the following module
module OkIffErrorsEmpty
def errors = ( @__errors__ ||= [])
def ok? = errors.empty?
As simple as that.
Now Result allows for a seamingless integration with this pattern, first of all it
exposes a module implementing it, but with a (more) reasonable name Errors
While this makes for a fatter interface, if well used, can make the workflow
in your class more elegant
Given a class including Errors (pun intended)
require 'lab42/result/errors'
class MyErrors
include Lab42::Result::Errors
let(:my_errors) { }
Then an instance of MyErrors is just ok
expect(my_errors).to be_ok
And has no errors
expect(my_errors.errors).to be_empty
And we can extract a result out of it
result = my_errors.to_result
expect(result).to be_ok
And the value of that result is (per default) my_errors
my_errors.to_result => {value: my_errors}
But if there are errors, we get
my_errors.errors << :error1
my_errors.errors << :error2
my_errors.to_result => [false, errors, _]
expect(errors).to eq([:error1, :error2])
And eventually we get a helper to add many errors at once (always an optimist)
my_errors.add_errors(:error3, :error4)
my_errors.to_result => [false, errors, _]
expect(errors).to eq([:error3, :error4])
But I kept my favorite at the end (bad misstake, the audience is sleeping already)
great =
output = []
great.if_ok { output << "I was completly fine" }
great.if_error { raise "Does not happen" }
great.add_errors("I got sick")
great.if_ok { raise "Still not happening" }
great.if_error { output << "But then, caught something" }
expect(output).to eq(["I was completly fine" , "But then, caught something"])
Even more detailed speculations
...which allow to have an acceptance test provided test coverage and show
the detailed behavior of this library can be found here
Copyright 2025 Robert Dober
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