Lazy_modal support load bs modal from remote.
normally before use bs modal you should defined modal dom in erb file.
If you want to show modal from remote. lazy_modal can help you.
lazy_modal best pratice is: you want to show modal when you need but you don't want to defined in erb file every time render.
Like this:
<%=link_to 'charge', '#charge_modal', class: 'btn btn-default', data: {toggle: :modal}%>
<div class='modal fade' id='charge_modal'>
modal content ...
<div class='modal fade' id='other_modal1'>
modal content ...
<div class='modal fade' id='other_modal3'>
modal content ...
So you must render modal-dom, modal-dom2, modal-dom3 and link_to in same file app/views/profile/charges.erb before use it.
Every time you reload this page will render modal-dom, modal-dom2, modal-dom3 and even modal-dom3 use in less time. so well can just move modal-dom3 to remote file. and use lazy_modal load it!
Now you can use lazy_modal lazy load modal when we need it!
<%=link_to 'charge', '#charge_modal', class: 'btn btn-default', data: {lazy_modal: true, dir: 'profile'}%>
<div class='modal fade' id='charge_modal'>
modal content ...
You can found out difference? yes we split link_to and modal-dom3 to different file. So that we can show modal when we need it.
Use lazy-modal every simple, add this line to your rails application's Gemfile:
gem 'lazy_modal'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Auto init lazy_modal required file
$ rails generate lazy_modal:install
That's all! now test if lazy-modal
Start server
$ rails s
open below url in any browse http://localhost:3000/lazy_modals/demo, you will see a break style modal demo
You can trigger lazy_modal
below way:
<%= link_to 'demo', '#demo', data: {lazy_modal: true, modal_options:{dir: 'custom_modals', title: 'loading', size: 'modal-sm', target: 'demo', id: 'demo'}} %>
You must set a
tag with data-lazy-modal=true and use modal_options to custom modal
ModalOptions | Type | Remark |
id/target/href | string | required, modal id like: #charge_modal |
dir | string | optional,set your modal view dir name like: users mean's find modal in app/views/users/modal_id |
title | string | optional,before load remote modal, you will see simple load modal with placeholder, so the options set the modal title |
size | string | optional,before load remote modal, you will see simple load modal with placeholder, so the options set the modal-content with custom class like: `modal-sm |
JS Events
you can listen lazy_modal load completed events. lazy_modal will trigger lm.modal.content.loaded if remote modal loaded and append to html body
$(document).on("lm.modal.content.loaded", "#remote_modal_id", function(){
console.log('remote modal load completed')
lazyModal = LM.loadRemoteModalByID('remote_modal_id',{dir: 'profile'})
lazyModal.on('lm.modal.content.loaded', function(modalOptions){
PS: LM.MODAL_CONTENT_LOADED == 'lm.modal.content.loaded'
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.