Localio-M is fork of Localio which seems like not supported by author.
Localio generates automatically localizable files for many platforms like Rails, Android, iOS, Java .properties files and JSON files using a centralized spreadsheet as source. The spreadsheet can be in Google Drive or a simple local Excel file.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'localio-m'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install localio-m
You have to create a custom file, Locfile, similar to Rakefile or Gemfile, with some information for this to work. Also you must have some spreadsheet with a particular format, either in Google Drive, CSV files or in Excel (XLS or XLSX) format.
In your Locfile directory you can then execute
and your localizable files will be created with the parameters specified in the Locfile.
You can also specify in the first parameter a file with another name, and it will work as well.
The Spreadsheet
You will need a little spreadsheet with all the localization literals and their intended keys for internal use while coding.
There is a basic example in this Google Drive link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmX_w4-5HkOgdFFoZ19iSUlRSERnQTJ4NVZiblo2UXc&usp=sharing. You just have to duplicate and save to your account, or download and save it as XLS file.
NOTE Localio will only search for translations on the first worksheet of the spreadsheet.
A minimal Locfile
example could be:
platform :ios
output_path 'my_output_path/'
source :xlsx,
:path => 'my_translations.xlsx'
This would connect localio to your Google Drive and process the spreadsheet with title "[Localizables] My Project!".
The list of possible commands is this.
Option | Description | Default |
platform | (Req.) Target platform for the localizable files. | nil |
source | (Req.) Information on where to find the spreadsheet w/ the info | nil |
output_path | (Req.) Target directory for the localizables. | out/ |
formatting | The formatter that will be used for key processing. | smart |
except | Filter applied to the keys, process all except the matches. | nil |
only | Filter applied to the keys, only process the matches. | nil |
Supported platforms
for Android string.xml files. The output_path
needed is the path for the res
for iOS Localizable.strings files. The output_path
needed is base directory where en.lproj/
and such would go. Also creates header file with Objective-C macros.:swift
for iOS Localizable.strings files. The output_path
needed is base directory where en.lproj/
and such would go. Also creates source file with Swift constants.:rails
for Rails YAML files. The output_path
needed is your config/locales
for an easy JSON format for localizables. The output_path
is yours to decide :):java_properties
for .properties files used mainly in Java. Files named language_(lang).properties will be generated in output_path
's root directory.:resx
for .resx files used by .NET projects, e.g. Windows Forms, Windows Phone or Xamarin.
By default, language codes are downcased. We can set :avoid_lang_downcase => true
to avoid this behavior.
iOS - :ios, :swift
We can opt-out from the constants/macros. We will simple need to add :create_constants => false
. By default, if omitted, the constants will be always created. It's a good practice to have a compile-time check of the existence of your keys; but if you don't like it it's fine.
platform :ios, :create_constants => false
ResX - :resx
The default resource file name is Resources.resx
. We can set a different base name using the :resource_file
platform :resx, :resource_file => "WebResources"
Supported sources
Google Drive
source :google_drive
will get the translation strings from Google Drive.
You will have to provide some required parameters too. Here is a list of all the parameters.
Option | Description |
:spreadsheet | (Req.) Title of the spreadsheet you want to use. Can be a partial match. |
:sheet | (Req.) Index number (starting with 0) or name of the sheet w/ the data |
:login | DEPRECATED This is deprecated starting version 0.1.0. Please remove it. |
:password | DEPRECATED This is deprecated starting version 0.1.0. Please remove it. |
:client_id | (Req.) Your Google CLIENT ID. |
:client_secret | (Req.) Your Google CLIENT SECRET. |
Please take into account that from version 0.1.0 of Localio onwards we are using Google OAuth2 authentication, as the previous one with login/password has been deprecated by Google and cannot be access anymore starting April 20th 2015.
Setting it up is a bit of a pain, although it is only required the first time and can be shared by all your projects:
- You have to create a new project in Google Developers Console for using Drive API. You can do that here.
- After it is created you will be redirected to the credentials section (if not, just select under APIs and authentication in the sidebar the Credentials section), where you will click in the button labeled Create new client ID.
- Select the third option, the one that says something like Installed Application.
- Fill the form with whatever you want. For example, you could put Localio as the product name (the only thing required there).
- Select again the third option, Installed Application, and in the platform selector select the last one, Others.
- You will have all the necessary information in the next screen: Client ID and Client Secret.
After doing all this, you are ready to add :client_id
and :client_secret
fields to your Locfile source
. It will look somewhat like this at this stage:
source :google_drive,
:spreadsheet => '[Localizables] My Project',
:client_id => 'XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com',
:client_secret => 'asdFFGGhjKlzxcvbnm'
Then, the first time you run it, you will be prompted to follow some instructions. You will be asked to open a website, where you will be prompted for permission to use the Drive API. After you allow it, you will be given an authorization code, which you will have to paste in your terminal screen when prompted.
NOTE A hidden file, called .localio.yml, will be created in your Locfile directory. You should add that file to your ignored resources in your repository, aka the .gitignore file.
NOTE As it is a very bad practice to put your sensitive information in a plain file, specially when you would want to upload your project to some repository, it is VERY RECOMMENDED that you use environment variables in here. Ruby syntax is accepted so you can use ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']
in here.
For example, this.
source :google_drive,
:spreadsheet => '[Localizables] My Project!',
:client_id => ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
:client_secret => ENV['CLIENT_SECRET']
And in your .bashrc (or .bash_profile, .zshrc or whatever), you could export those environment variables like this:
export CLIENT_ID="your_client_id"
export CLIENT_SECRET="your_client_secret"
source :xls
will use a local XLS file. In the parameter's hash you should specify a :path
You may specify a sheet
parameter, otherwise the first sheet will be used.
Option | Description |
:path | (Req.) Path for your XLS file. |
:sheet | (Optional) Index number (starting with 0) or name of the sheet w/ the data |
source :xls,
:path => 'YourExcelFileWithTranslations.xls',
:sheet => 'Master Translation Data'
source :xlsx
will use a local XLSX file. In the parameter's hash you should specify a :path
You may specify a sheet
parameter, otherwise the first sheet will be used.
Option | Description |
:path | (Req.) Path for your XLSX file. |
:sheet | (Req.) Index number (starting with 0) or name of the sheet w/ the data or array of numbers or names |
source :xlsx,
:path => 'YourExcelFileWithTranslations.xlsx',
:sheet => 'Master Translation Data'
source :csv
will use a local CSV file. In the parameter's hash you should specify a :path
Option | Description |
:path | (Req.) Path for your CSV file. |
:column_separator | By default it is ',', but you can change it with this parameter |
In this example we specify tabs as separators for translation columns. The :column_separator
is not needed if the separator is a comma and could be removed.
source :csv,
:path => 'YourCSVTranslations.csv',
:column_separator => '\t'
Key formatters
If you don't specify a formatter for keys, :smart will be used.
for no formatting.:snake_case
for snake case formatting (ie "this_kind_of_key").:camel_case
for camel case formatting (ie "ThisKindOfKey").:smart
use a different formatting depending on the platform.
Here you have some examples on how the behavior would be:
Platform | "App name" | "ANOTHER_KIND_OF_KEY" |
:none | App name | ANOTHER_KIND_OF_KEY |
:snake_case | app_name | another_kind_of_key |
:camel_case | appName | AnotherKindOfKey |
:smart (ios/swift) | _App_name | _Another_kind_of_key |
:smart (android) | app_name | another_kind_of_key |
:smart (ruby) | app_name | another_kind_of_key |
:smart (json) | app_name | another_kind_of_key |
:smart (resx) | AppName | AnotherKindOfKey |
Example of use:
formatting :camel_case
Normally you would want a smart formatter, because it is adjusted (or tries to) to the usual code conventions of each platform for localizable strings.
Advanced options
Filtering content
We can establish filters to the keys by using regular expressions.
The exclusions are managed with the except
command. For example, if we don't want to include the translations where the key has the "[a]" string, we could include this in the Locfile.
except :keys => '[\[][a][\]]'
We can filter inversely too, with the command only
. For example, if we only want the translations that contain the '[a]' token, we should use:
only :keys => '[\[][a][\]]'
Overriding default language
This only makes sense with platform :android
and platform :resx
at the moment. If we want to override (for whatever reason) the default language flag in the source spreadsheet, we can use :override_default => 'language'
For example, if we wanted to override the default (english) and use spanish instead, we could do this:
platform :android, :override_default => 'es'
Please read the contributing guide.