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Fluent Assertions Faces Backlash After Abandoning Open Source Licensing
Fluent Assertions is facing backlash after dropping the Apache license for a commercial model, leaving users blindsided and questioning contributor rights.
Maestrano Cloud Integration is currently in closed beta. Want to know more? Send us an email to
Before integrating with us you will need an App ID and API Key. Maestrano Cloud Integration being still in closed beta you will need to contact us beforehand to gain production access.
For testing purpose we provide an API Sandbox where you can freely obtain an App ID and API Key. The sandbox is great to test single sign-on and API integration (e.g: billing API).
To get started just go to:
If you're looking at integrating Maestrano in your Rails application then you should use the maestrano-rails gem.
More details on the maestrano-rails project page.
To install the gem run
gem install maestrano
Or add it to your Gemfile
gem 'maestrano'
Once installed the first step is to create an initializer to configure the behaviour of the Maestrano gem - including setting your API key.
The initializer should look like this:
# Use this block to configure the behaviour of Maestrano
# in your app
Maestrano.configure do |config|
# ==> Environment configuration
# The environment to connect to.
# If set to 'production' then all Single Sign-On (SSO) and API requests
# will be made to
# If set to 'test' then requests will be made to
# The api-sandbox allows you to easily test integration scenarios.
# More details on
config.environment = 'test' # or 'production'
# ==> Application host
# This is your application host (e.g: which is ultimately
# used to redirect users to the right SAML url during SSO handshake.
# = (config.environment == 'production' ? '' : 'http://localhost:3000')
# ==> App ID & API key
# Your application App ID and API key which you can retrieve on
# via your cloud partner dashboard.
# For testing you can retrieve/generate an and api.key from the API Sandbox directly
# on
# = (config.environment == 'production' ? 'prod_app_id' : 'sandbox_app_id')
config.api.key = (config.environment == 'production' ? 'prod_api_key' : 'sandbox_api_key')
# ==> Single Sign-On activation
# Enable/Disable single sign-on. When troubleshooting authentication issues
# you might want to disable SSO temporarily
# config.sso.enabled = true
# ==> Single Sign-On Identity Manager
# By default we consider that the domain managing user identification
# is the same as your application host (see above parameter)
# If you have a dedicated domain managing user identification and therefore
# responsible for the single sign-on handshake (e.g:
# then you can specify it below
# config.sso.idm = (config.environment == 'production' ? '' : 'http://localhost:3000')
# ==> SSO Initialization endpoint
# This is your application path to the SAML endpoint that allows users to
# initialize SSO authentication. Upon reaching this endpoint users your
# application will automatically create a SAML request and redirect the user
# to Maestrano. Maestrano will then authenticate and authorize the user. Upon
# authorization the user gets redirected to your application consumer endpoint
# (see below) for initial setup and/or login.
# config.sso.init_path = '/maestrano/auth/saml/init'
# ==> SSO Consumer endpoint
# This is your application path to the SAML endpoint that allows users to
# finalize SSO authentication. During the 'consume' action your application
# sets users (and associated group) up and/or log them in.
# config.sso.consume_path = '/maestrano/auth/saml/consume'
# ==> Single Logout activation
# Enable/Disable single logout. When troubleshooting authentication issues
# you might want to disable SLO temporarily.
# If set to false then Maestrano::SSO::Session#valid? - which should be
# used in a controller before filter to check user session - always return true
# config.sso.slo_enabled = true
# ==> SSO User creation mode
# On Maestrano users can take several "instances" of your service. You can consider
# each "instance" as 1) a billing entity and 2) a collaboration group (this is
# equivalent to a 'customer account' in a commercial world). When users login to
# your application via single sign-on they actually login via a specific group which
# is then supposed to determine which data they have access to inside your application.
# E.g: John and Jack are part of group 1. They should see the same data when they login to
# your application (employee info, analytics, sales etc..). John is also part of group 2
# but not Jack. Therefore only John should be able to see the data belonging to group 2.
# In most application this is done via collaboration/sharing/permission groups which is
# why a group is required to be created when a new user logs in via a new group (and
# also for billing purpose - you charge a group, not a user directly).
# == mode: 'real'
# In an ideal world a user should be able to belong to several groups in your application.
# In this case you would set the 'sso.creation_mode' to 'real' which means that the uid
# and email we pass to you are the actual user email and maestrano universal id.
# == mode: 'virtual'
# Now let's say that due to technical constraints your application cannot authorize a user
# to belong to several groups. Well next time John logs in via a different group there will
# be a problem: the user already exists (based on uid or email) and cannot be assigned
# to a second group. To fix this you can set the 'sso.creation_mode' to 'virtual'. In this
# mode users get assigned a truly unique uid and email across groups. So next time John logs
# in a whole new user account can be created for him without any validation problem. In this
# mode the email we assign to him looks like "". But don't
# worry we take care of forwarding any email you would send to this address
# config.sso.creation_mode = 'real' # or 'virtual'
# ==> Account Webhooks
# Single sign on has been setup into your app and Maestrano users are now able
# to use your service. Great! Wait what happens when a business (group) decides to
# stop using your service? Also what happens when a user gets removed from a business?
# Well the endpoints below are for Maestrano to be able to notify you of such
# events.
# Even if the routes look restful we issue only issue DELETE requests for the moment
# to notify you of any service cancellation (group deletion) or any user being
# removed from a group.
# config.webhook.account.groups_path = '/maestrano/account/groups/:id',
# config.webhook.account.group_users_path = '/maestrano/account/groups/:group_id/users/:id',
Your configuration initializer is now all setup and shiny. Great! But need to know about it. Of course we could propose a long and boring form on for you to fill all these details (especially the webhooks) but we thought it would be more convenient to fetch that automatically.
For that we expect you to create a metadata endpoint that we can fetch regularly (or when you press 'refresh metadata' in your maestrano cloud partner dashboard). By default we assume that it will be located at YOUR_WEBSITE/maestrano/metadata(.json)
Of course if you prefer a different url you can always change that endpoint in your maestrano cloud partner dashboard.
What would the controller action look like? First let's talk about authentication. You don't want that endpoint to be visible to anyone. Maestrano always uses http basic authentication to contact your service remotely. The login/password used for this authentication are your actual and api.key.
So here is an example of controller action for Rails to adapt depending on the framework you're using:
class MaestranoMetaDataController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_maestrano!
def metadata
render json: Maestrano.to_metadata
def authenticate_maestrano!
authorized = false
authenticate_with_http_basic do |app_id, api_token|
authorized = Maestrano.authenticate(app_id,api_token)
unless authorized
render json: {error: 'Invalid credentials' }, status: :unauthorized
return true
In order to get setup with single sign-on you will need a user model and a group model. It will also require you to write a controller for the init phase and consume phase of the single sign-on handshake.
You might wonder why we need a 'group' on top of a user. Well Maestrano works with businesses and as such expects your service to be able to manage groups of users. A group represents 1) a billing entity 2) a collaboration group. During the first single sign-on handshake both a user and a group should be created. Additional users logging in via the same group should then be added to this existing group (see controller setup below)
Let's assume that your user model is called 'User'. The best way to get started with SSO is to define a class method on this model called 'find_or_create_for_maestrano' accepting a hash of attributes - provided by Maestrano - and aiming at either finding an existing maestrano user in your database or creating a new one. Your user model should also have a :provider attribute and a :uid attribute used to identify the source of the user - Maestrano, LinkedIn, AngelList etc..
Assuming the above the method could look like this:
# Only if you need to set a random password
require 'digest/sha1'
class User
def self.find_or_create_for_maestrano(sso_hash)
user = self.where(provider:'maestrano', uid: sso_hash[:uid]).first
unless user
user =
# Mapping
user.provider = 'maestrano'
user.uid = sso_hash[:uid] = sso_hash[:info][:first_name]
user.surname = sso_hash[:info][:last_name] = sso_hash[:info][:email]
# user.country_alpha2 = sso_hash[:info][:country]
# = sso_hash[:info][:company_name]
# user.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{}-#{rand(100)}")[0..20]
# user.password_confirmation = user.password
# user.some_other_required_field = 'some-appropriate-default-value'
# Save the user
return user
The group setup is similar to the user one. The mapping is a little easier though. Your model should also have the :provider and :uid attributes. Also your group model should have a add_member method and also a has_member? method (see controller below)
Assuming a group model called 'Organization', the find_or_create_for_maestrano class method could look like this:
class Organization
def self.find_or_create_for_maestrano(sso_hash)
organization = self.where(provider:'maestrano', uid: sso_hash[:uid]).first
unless organization
organization =
# Mapping
organization.provider = 'maestrano'
organization.uid = sso_hash[:uid] = sso_hash[:info][:company_name] || 'Some default'
# organization.country_alpha2 = sso_hash[:info][:country]
# organization.free_trial_end_at = sso_hash[:info][:free_trial_end_at]
# Save the organization
return organization
Your controller will need to have two actions: init and consume. The init action will initiate the single sign-on request and redirect the user to Maestrano. The consume action will receive the single sign-on response, process it and match/create the user and the group.
The init action is all handled via Maestrano methods and should look like this:
def init
The params variable should contain the GET parameters of the request. The session variable should be the actual client session.
Based on your application requirements the consume action might look like this:
def consume
# Process the response and extract information
saml_response =[:SAMLResponse])
user_hash =
group_hash =
membership_hash =
# Find or create the user and the organization
user = User.find_or_create_for_maestrano(user_hash)
organization = Organization.find_or_create_for_maestrano(group_hash)
# Add user to the organization if not there already
# Methods below should be coming from your application
unless organization.has_member?(user)
organization.add_member(user, role: membership_hash[:role])
# Set the Maestrano session (ultimately used for single logout)
Maestrano::SSO.set_session(session, user_hash)
# Sign the user in and redirect to application root
# To be customised depending on how you handle user
# sign in and
redirect_to root_path
Note that for the consume action you should disable CSRF authenticity if your framework is using it by default. If CSRF authenticity is enabled then your app will complain on the fact that it is receiving a form without CSRF token.
If you want your users to benefit from single logout then you should define the following filter in a module and include it in all your controllers except the one handling single sign-on authentication.
def verify_maestrano_session
if Maestrano.param(:sso_enabled)
if session && session[:maestrano] && !
redirect_to Maestrano::SSO.init_url
Single sign on has been setup into your app and Maestrano users are now able to use your service. Great! Wait what happens when a business (group) decides to stop using your service? Also what happens when a user gets removed from a business? Well the controllers describes in this section are for Maestrano to be able to notify you of such events.
Sad as it is a business might decide to stop using your service at some point. On Maestrano billing entities are represented by groups (used for collaboration & billing). So when a business decides to stop using your service we will issue a DELETE request to the webhook.account.groups_path endpoint (typically /maestrano/account/groups/:id).
Maestrano only uses this controller for service cancellation so there is no need to implement any other type of action - ie: GET, PUT/PATCH or POST. The use of other http verbs might come in the future to improve the communication between Maestrano and your service but as of now it is not required.
The controller example below reimplements the authenticate_maestrano! method seen in the metadata section for completeness. Utimately you should move this method to a helper if you can.
The example below is for Rails and need to be adapted depending on the framework you're using:
class MaestranoAccountGroupsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_maestrano!
# DELETE /maestrano/account/groups/cld-1
# Delete an entire group
def destroy
group_uid = params[:id]
# Perform deletion steps here
# --
# If you need to perform a final checkout
# then you can call Maestrano::Account::Bill.create({.. final checkout details ..})
# --
# If Maestrano.param('sso.creation_mode') is set to virtual
# then you might want to delete/cancel/block all users under
# that group
# --
# E.g:
# organization = Organization.find_by_provider_and_uid('maestrano',group_uid)
# amount_cents = organization.calculate_total_due_remaining
# Maestrano::Account::Bill.create({
# group_id: group_uid,
# price_cents: amount_cents,
# description: "Final Payout"
# })
# if Maestrano.param('sso.creation_mode') == 'virtual'
# organization.members.where(provider:'maestrano').each do |user|
# user.destroy
# end
# organization.destroy
# render json: {success: true}, status: :success
def authenticate_maestrano!
authorized = false
authenticate_with_http_basic do |app_id, api_token|
authorized = Maestrano.authenticate(app_id,api_token)
unless authorized
render json: {error: 'Invalid credentials' }, status: :unauthorized
return true
A business might decide at some point to revoke access to your services for one of its member. In such case we will issue a DELETE request to the webhook.account.group_users_path endpoint (typically /maestrano/account/groups/:group_id/users/:id).
Maestrano only uses this controller for user membership cancellation so there is no need to implement any other type of action - ie: GET, PUT/PATCH or POST. The use of other http verbs might come in the future to improve the communication between Maestrano and your service but as of now it is not required.
The controller example below reimplements the authenticate_maestrano! method seen in the metadata section for completeness. Utimately you should move this method to a helper if you can.
The example below is for Rails and need to be adapted depending on the framework you're using:
class MaestranoAccountGroupUsersController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_maestrano!
# DELETE /maestrano/account/groups/cld-1
# Delete an entire group
def destroy
# Set the right uid based on Maestrano.param('sso.creation_mode')
user_uid = Maestrano.mask_user(params[:id],params[:group_id])
group_uid = params[:group_id]
# Perform association deletion steps here
# --
# If Maestrano.param('sso.creation_mode') is set to virtual
# then you might want to just delete/cancel/block the user
# E.g
# user = User.find_by_provider_and_uid('maestrano',user_uid)
# organization = Organization.find_by_provider_and_uid('maestrano',group_uid)
# if Maestrano.param('sso.creation_mode') == 'virtual'
# user.destroy
# else
# organization.remove_user(user)
# user.block_access! if user.reload.organizations.empty?
# end
# render json: {success: true}, status: :success
def authenticate_maestrano!
authorized = false
authenticate_with_http_basic do |app_id, api_token|
authorized = Maestrano.authenticate(app_id,api_token)
unless authorized
render json: {error: 'Invalid credentials' }, status: :unauthorized
return true
The maestrano gem also provides bindings to its REST API allowing you to access, create, update or delete various entities under your account (e.g: billing).
A bill represents a single charge on a given group.
Field | Mode | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | readonly | string | - | - | The id of the bill |
group_id | read/write | string | Yes | - | The id of the group you are charging |
price_cents | read/write | Integer | Yes | - | The amount in cents to charge to the customer |
description | read/write | String | Yes | - | A description of the product billed as it should appear on customer invoice |
created_at | readonly | Time | - | - | When the bill was created |
updated_at | readonly | Time | - | - | When the bill was last updated |
status | readonly | String | - | - | Status of the bill. Either 'submitted', 'invoiced' or 'cancelled'. |
currency | read/write | String | - | AUD | The currency of the amount charged in ISO 4217 format (3 letter code) |
units | read/write | Decimal(10,2) | - | 1.0 | How many units are billed for the amount charged |
period_started_at | read/write | Time | - | - | If the bill relates to a specific period then specifies when the period started. Both period_started_at and period_ended_at need to be filled in order to appear on customer invoice. |
period_ended_at | read/write | Time | - | - | If the bill relates to a specific period then specifies when the period ended. Both period_started_at and period_ended_at need to be filled in order to appear on customer invoice. |
List all bills you have created and iterate through the list
bills = Maestrano::Account::Bill.all
bills.each { |b| puts }
Access a single bill by id
bill = Maestrano::Account::Bill.retrieve("bill-f1d2s54")
puts bill.group_id
Create a new bill
bill = Maestrano::Account::Bill.create(group_id: "cld-3", price_cents: 2000, description: "Product purchase")
Cancel a bill
bill = Maestrano::Account::Bill.retrieve("bill-f1d2s54")
A recurring bill charges a given customer at a regular interval without you having to do anything.
Field | Mode | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | readonly | string | - | - | The id of the recurring bill |
group_id | read/write | string | Yes | - | The id of the group you are charging |
price_cents | read/write | Integer | Yes | - | The amount in cents to charge to the customer |
description | read/write | String | Yes | - | A description of the product billed as it should appear on customer invoice |
period | read/write | String | - | Month | The unit of measure for the billing cycle. Must be one of the following: 'Day', 'Week', 'SemiMonth', 'Month', 'Year' |
frequency | read/write | Integer | - | 1 | The number of billing periods that make up one billing cycle. The combination of billing frequency and billing period must be less than or equal to one year. If the billing period is SemiMonth, the billing frequency must be 1. |
cycles | read/write | Integer | - | nil | The number of cycles this bill should be active for. In other words it's the number of times this recurring bill should charge the customer. |
start_date | read/write | Time | - | Now | The date when this recurring bill should start billing the customer |
created_at | readonly | Time | - | - | When the recurring bill was created |
updated_at | readonly | Time | - | - | When the recurring bill was last updated |
currency | read/write | String | - | AUD | The currency of the amount charged in ISO 4217 format (3 letter code) |
status | readonly | String | - | - | Status of the recurring bill. Either 'submitted', 'active', 'expired' or 'cancelled'. |
initial_cents | read/write | Integer | - | 0 | Initial non-recurring payment amount - in cents - due immediately upon creating the recurring bill |
List all recurring bills you have created and iterate through the list
rec_bills = Maestrano::Account::RecurringBill.all
rec_bills.each { |b| puts }
Access a single recurring bill by id
rec_bill = Maestrano::Account::RecurringBill.retrieve("rbill-f1d2s54")
puts rec_bill.group_id
Create a new recurring bill
rec_bill = Maestrano::Account::RecurringBill.create(group_id: "cld-3", price_cents: 2000, description: "Product purchase", period: 'Month', start_date:
Cancel a recurring bill
rec_bill = Maestrano::Account::RecurringBill.retrieve("rbill-f1d2s54")
This README is still in the process of being written and improved. As such it might not cover some of the questions you might have.
So if you have any question or need help integrating with us just let us know at
MIT License. Copyright 2014 Maestrano Pty Ltd.
You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of Maestrano.
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Fluent Assertions is facing backlash after dropping the Apache license for a commercial model, leaving users blindsided and questioning contributor rights.
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