A merb slice that authenticates yaml defined OpenID users.
Sometime you have an app that doesn't need full authentication, but you'd like to be able to
limit some pages to admins only. This is the story of that app...
Installation and use
Install the gem from the cloned repo
git clone git://github.com/markpercival/quickadmin.git
cd quickadmin
sudo rake install
Add the following to dependencies.rb
dependency 'quickadmin'
and then add this to router.rb
slice(:quickadmin, :name_prefix => nil, :path_prefix => "")
On any page you want to protect just create a before filter:
before :ensure_quickadmin, :only => [:index, :edit]
Add the authorized OpenID's to 'config/quickadmins.yaml'
- mpercival.com
- gweezelbur.com
- john.schult.us
It will auto-magically create the necessary 'config/quickadmins.yaml'
on the first load if you don't already have one.
Author and license info