MelioPlatformApiClient::AccountsApi | get_accounts | GET /accounts | Retrieve all Accounts |
MelioPlatformApiClient::AccountsApi | get_accounts_account_id | GET /accounts/{accountId} | Retrieve an Account |
MelioPlatformApiClient::AccountsApi | post_accounts | POST /accounts | Create an Account |
MelioPlatformApiClient::AuthApi | post_auth_token | POST /auth/token | Create an access token |
MelioPlatformApiClient::ChargesApi | delete_charges_charge_id | DELETE /charges/{chargeId} | Delete a Charge |
MelioPlatformApiClient::ChargesApi | get_charges_charge_id | GET /charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Charge |
MelioPlatformApiClient::ChargesApi | get_merchants_merchant_id_charges | GET /merchants/{merchantId}/charges | Retrieve all Charges |
MelioPlatformApiClient::ChargesApi | patch_charges_charge_id | PATCH /charges/{chargeId} | Update a Charge |
MelioPlatformApiClient::CheckoutsApi | get_checkouts_checkout_id | GET /checkouts/{checkoutId} | Retrieve a Checkout |
MelioPlatformApiClient::CheckoutsApi | post_checkouts | POST /merchants/{merchantId}/checkouts | Create a Checkout |
MelioPlatformApiClient::CheckoutsApi | post_checkouts_checkout_id_capture | POST /checkouts/{checkoutId}/capture | Capture a Checkout |
MelioPlatformApiClient::CheckoutsApi | post_checkouts_checkout_id_complete | POST /checkouts/{checkoutId}/complete | Complete a Checkout |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | delete_delivery_methods_delivery_method_id | DELETE /delivery-methods/{deliveryMethodId} | Delete a Delivery Method |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | get_delivery_methods | GET /delivery-methods | Retrieve all Delivery Methods |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | get_delivery_methods_delivery_method_id | GET /delivery-methods/{deliveryMethodId} | Retrieve a Delivery Method |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | get_vendors_vendor_id_delivery_methods | GET /vendors/{vendorId}/delivery-methods | Retrieve a Vendor's Delivery Methods |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | post_delivery_methods | POST /delivery-methods | Create a Delivery Method |
MelioPlatformApiClient::DeliveryMethodsApi | post_vendors_vendor_id_delivery_methods | POST /vendors/{vendorId}/delivery-methods | Create a Vendor's Delivery Method |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FilesApi | get_files | GET /files | Retrieve files |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FilesApi | get_files_file_id | GET /files/{fileId} | Retrieve a File |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FilesApi | get_files_file_id_data | GET /files/{fileId}/data | Retrieve data from a File using OCR |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FilesApi | post_files | POST /files | Create / upload a File |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FinancingApi | get_financing_status | GET /financing | Retrieve an Account's financing status |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FinancingApi | post_financing | POST /financing | Apply for financing for an Account |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FinancingApi | post_financing_transaction | POST /financing/transaction | Request Transactional Financing |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FundingSourcesApi | delete_funding_sources_funding_source_id | DELETE /funding-sources/{fundingSourceId} | Delete a Funding Source |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FundingSourcesApi | get_funding_sources | GET /funding-sources | Get all Funding Sources |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FundingSourcesApi | get_funding_sources_funding_source_id | GET /funding-sources/{fundingSourceId} | Retrieve a Funding Source |
MelioPlatformApiClient::FundingSourcesApi | post_funding_sources | POST /funding-sources | Create a Funding Source |
MelioPlatformApiClient::MerchantsApi | post_merchants | POST /merchants | Create a Merchant |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | get_payment_intents | GET /payment-intents | Retrieve all Payment Intents |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | get_payment_intents_payment_intent_id | GET /payment-intents/{paymentIntentId} | Retrieve a Payment Intent |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | patch_payment_intents_payment_intent_id | PATCH /payment-intents/{paymentIntentId} | Update a Payment Intent |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | post_payment_intents | POST /payment-intents | Create a Payment Intent |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | post_payment_intents_bulk | POST /payment-intents/bulk | Create multiple Payment Intents |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentIntentsApi | post_payment_intents_payment_intent_id_confirm | POST /payment-intents/{paymentIntentId}/confirm | Confirm a Payment Intent |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentsApi | delete_payments_payment_id | DELETE /payments/{paymentId} | Delete a Payment |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentsApi | get_payments | GET /payments | Retrieve all Payments of a PaymentIntent |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentsApi | get_payments_payment_id | GET /payments/{paymentId} | Retrieve a Payment |
MelioPlatformApiClient::PaymentsApi | recover_payment_payment_id | POST /payments/{paymentId}/recover | Recover a Payment |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorDirectoryApi | get_vendor_directory | GET /vendor-directory | Retrieve all filtered Vendors in the Vendor Directory |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorDirectoryApi | post_vendors_from_vendor_directory | POST /vendors/from-vendor-directory | Create a Vendor from Vendor Directory |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | delete_vendors_vendor_id | DELETE /vendors/{vendorId} | Delete a Vendor |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | get_vendor_directory | GET /vendor-directory | Retrieve all filtered Vendors in the Vendor Directory |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | get_vendors | GET /vendors | Retrieve all Vendors |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | get_vendors_vendor_id | GET /vendors/{vendorId} | Retrieve a Vendor |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | get_vendors_vendor_id_delivery_methods | GET /vendors/{vendorId}/delivery-methods | Retrieve a Vendor's Delivery Methods |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | patch_vendors_vendor_id | PATCH /vendors/{vendorId} | Update a Vendor |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | post_vendors | POST /vendors | Create a Vendor |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | post_vendors_bulk | POST /vendors/bulk | Create multiple Vendors |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | post_vendors_from_vendor_directory | POST /vendors/from-vendor-directory | Create a Vendor from Vendor Directory |
MelioPlatformApiClient::VendorsApi | post_vendors_vendor_id_delivery_methods | POST /vendors/{vendorId}/delivery-methods | Create a Vendor's Delivery Method |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | delete_webhooks_checkouts | DELETE /webhooks/checkouts | Delete the Webhook for Checkouts |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | delete_webhooks_payments | DELETE /webhooks/payments | Delete the Webhook for Payments |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | get_webhooks | GET /webhooks | Retrieve all Webhooks |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | get_webhooks_checkouts | GET /webhooks/checkouts | Retrieve Status of Webhook for Checkouts |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | get_webhooks_payments | GET /webhooks/payments | Retrieve Status of Webhook for Payments |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | post_webhooks_checkouts | POST /webhooks/checkouts | Register a Webhook for Checkouts |
MelioPlatformApiClient::WebhooksApi | post_webhooks_payments | POST /webhooks/payments | Register a Webhook for Payments |