h1. MongoDoc
Version: 0.2.1 1/18/10
2010-01-23 Tracking MongoDoc with @git@? READ THIS NOTE[1]
h2. Introduction
MongoDoc is a simple and easy to use ActiveRecord-like object mapper for "mongoDB":http://www.mongodb.org in Ruby.
MongoDoc is also an extension of the "Mongo Ruby Driver":http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-ruby-driver making it a snap to get Ruby in and out of mongoDB.
MongoDoc is not ActiveRecord for mongoDB. We do not have callbacks, nor do we have dynamic finders. We do have associations, named scopes, and other features.
MongoDoc is simple, easy-to-use, and fast. And it works with Rails (2.3.x at the moment, 3 soonish?).
MongoDoc is designed to work with document data, if you are looking to map relational data in mongoDB, you will have to look elsewhere.
h2. Ruby objects in mongoDB
Lets just get right into it and save some Ruby objects in mongoDB!
bc.. class Contact
attr_accessor :name, :addresses, :interests
class Address
attr_accessor :street, :city, :state, :zip, :phone_number
p. With MongoDoc, instead of saving JSON[2], we can save an object directly:
bc.. contact = Contact.new
contact.name = 'Hashrocket'
contact.interests = ['ruby', 'rails', 'agile']
address = Address.new
address.street = '320 First Street North, #712'
address.city = 'Jacksonville Beach'
address.state = 'FL'
address.zip = '32250'
address.phone_number = '877 885 8846'
contact.addresses = [address]
p. We can query using the powerful mongoDB query syntax, and have it return Ruby objects:
bc.. results = collection.find('addresses.state' => 'FL')
hashrocket = results.to_a.find {|contact| contact.name == 'Hashrocket'}
puts hashrocket.addresses.first.phone_number
p. Take a look in the examples directory for more code.
h2. Mapping Documents
MongoDoc provides ActiveRecord-like persistence, associations, named scopes, and validations (from "Validatable":http://github.com/durran/validatable) as well as a mongoDB query language (from "Mongoid":http://mongoid.org/home). MongoDoc also plays nicely with Rails.
@MongoDoc::Document@ provides all these features as a mixin. A @MongoDoc::Document@ can either be a top-level mongoDB document, or an embedded document contained within a top-level document. Top-level documents are stored in collections named after their class: @Contact@ objects are stored in the 'contacts' collection (much like ActiveRecord).
Lets define a @Contact@ document with an @Address@ embedded document:
bc.. class Address
include MongoDoc::Document
key :street
key :city
key :state
key :zip_code
key :phone_number
class Contact
include MongoDoc::Document
key :name
key :interests
has_many :addresses
named_scope :in_state, lambda {|state| {:where => {'addresses.state' => state}}}
p. Since a mongoDB document has no fixed schema, we define the composition of a document directly in our classes. Please note we do not specify types! We can also specify @has_one@ or @has_many@ associations.
Building and saving a document is easy:
bc.. contact = Contact.new(:name => 'Hashrocket', :interests => ['ruby', 'rails', 'agile'])
contact.addresses << Address.new(:street => '320 1st Street North, #712',
:city => 'Jacksonville Beach',
:state => 'FL',
:zip_code => '32250',
:phone_number => '877 885 8846')
p. Now that we have some data, we can query using our named scope:
bc. hashrocket = Contact.in_state('FL').find {|contact| contact.name == 'Hashrocket'}
p. And we can even perform partial updates:
bc. hashrocket.addresses.first.update_attributes(:street => '320 First Street North, #712')
h2. Installation
MongoDoc requires mongoDB v1.3.2 or later.
bc. sudo gem install mongodoc
h2. Connecting
By default, MongoDoc will read its configuration from @./mongodb.yml@. If that file does not exist, it will attempt to connect to a standard MongoDB local server setup and use a database name of @"mongodoc"@.
h3. With Rails
If you are using Rails, MongoDoc will look for its configuration in @config/mongodb.yml@. If that file does not exist, it will attempt to connect to a standard MongoDB local server setup and use a database name of @#{Rails.root.basename}_#{Rails.env}@.
h3. Database configuration file
The file is similar to the Rails database.yml file, with environment definitions containing the database configuration attributes. For example:
bc. development:
name: development
host: localhost
port: 27017
auto_reconnect: true
name: test
host: localhost
port: 27017
auto_reconnect: true
If you are not using Rails, the default environment is @development@ and you can set the current environment in your code:
bc. MongoDoc::Connection.env = 'test'
You can also change the location of the configuration file:
bc. MongoDoc::Connection.config_path = './config/mongodb.yml'
h3. Programmatically setting the database connection information
Finally, if you do not want to use the database configuration file, you can also set the database name, host, port, options, and strict values directly; for example, to set the database name to @stats@:
bc. MongoDoc::Connection.name = 'stats'
h2. Credits
Les Hill, leshill on github
h3. Thanks
Thanks to Sandro and Durran for some great conversations and some lovely code.
h2. Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
h2. Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Les Hill. See LICENSE for details.
fn1. Building from @HEAD@? MongoDoc requires mongoDB v1.3.2 or later. That means you must be using the 1.3.x nightly build as of 2010-01-22 .
fn2. The Ruby driver exposes an API that understands JSON.