= Smartmock
== What is Smartmock?
Don't you hate how dumb your Model Mocks are sometimes? Little changes to your implementation can break your specs, as mocking forces you to test your implementation and not the results.
Well, no more.
Smartmock lets you focus on the results of your code instead of the implementation.
Plus it works with ActiveRecord as well as DataMapper.
== Status
Development of Smartmock just got started, and a lot is still missing. If you want to contribute, feel free to fork Smartmock on GitHub (http://gitub.com/mutle/smartmock) and send a pull request.
== Examples
To demonstrate, here is some code that shows the usage of Smartmock in a Merb Controller spec.
With Smartmock:
describe Users, "create action" do
before(:each) do
smartmock_next User
it "should create a user and save the attributes" do
controller = dispatch_to(Users, :create, {:user => {:login => "test"}})
User.last_smartmock.login.should == "test" # Verifies that the attributes get assigned
User.last_smartmock.should_not be_dirty # Verifies that the object was saved
Without Smartmock:
describe Users, "show action" do
before(:each) do
@user = mock("User", :to_xml => "XML")
it "should create a user and save the attributes" do
User.should_receive(:new).with("login" => "test').and_return(@user)
controller = dispatch_to(Users, :create, {:user => {:login => "test"}})
== How to use
require 'rubygems'
gem 'mutle-smartmock'
require 'smartmock'
user = Smartmock[User].new(:login => 'mutle')
user.name = 'Mutwin Kraus' # Smartmock adds methods for all attributes of the mocked model
user.dirty? # => true
user.save # This doesn't write anything to the database
user.dirty? # => false
== Installation
gem source --add http://gems.github.com/
gem install mutle-smartmock
== Authors
Smartmock is written by Mutwin Kraus (http://gitub.com/mutle).