= Thinking Sphinx
== Usage
First, if you haven't done so already, check out the main usage[http://ts.freelancing-gods.com/usage.html] page. Once you've done that, the next place to look for information is the specific method docs - ThinkingSphinx::Search and ThinkingSphinx::Index::Builder in particular.
== Contributing
Fork on GitHub and after you've committed tested patches, send a pull request.
To get the spec suite running, you will need to install the not-a-mock gem if you don't already have it:
git clone git://github.com/freelancing-god/not-a-mock.git
cd not-a-mock
rake gem
gem install pkg/not_a_mock-1.1.0.gem
Then set up your database
cp spec/fixtures/database.yml.default spec/fixtures/database.yml
mysqladmin -u root create thinking_sphinx
You should now have a passing test suite from which to build your patch on.
rake spec
== Contributors
Since I first released this library, there's been quite a few people who have submitted patches, to my immense gratitude. Others have suggested syntax changes and general improvements. So my thanks to the following people:
- Joost Hietbrink
- Jonathon Conway
- Gregory Mirzayantz
- Tung Nguyen
- Sean Cribbs
- Benoit Caccinolo
- John Barton
- Oliver Beddows
- Arthur Zapparoli
- Dusty Doris
- Marcus Crafter
- Patrick Lenz
- Björn Andreasson
- James Healy
- Jae-Jun Hwang
- Xavier Shay
- Jason Rust
- Gopal Patel
- Chris Heald
- Peter Vandenberk
- Josh French
- Andrew Bennett