== Disqus Ruby Gem
The Disqus Gem helps you easily integrate the {Disqus}[http://disqus.com]
commenting system into your website. It works for any site programmed in Ruby,
and has view helpers for Rails and Merb.
Support for the Disqus Javascript widgets is stable. Disqus API support is
=== What is Disqus?
From the Disqus website:
"Disqus, pronounced "discuss", is a service and tool for web comments and
discussions. The Disqus comment system can be plugged into any website, blog,
or application. Disqus makes commenting easier and more interactive, while
connecting websites and commenters across a thriving discussion community."
"Disqus is a free service to the general public with absolutely no inline advertisements."
=== Get it
gem install disqus
==== Bleeding Edge
gem install norman-disqus --source http://gems.github.com
=== Use it:
==== Configure it:
===== Generic example:
Disqus::defaults[:account] = "my_disqus_account"
Optional, only if you're using the API
Disqus::defaults[:api_key] = "my_disqus_api_key"
===== Rails example:
in config/development.rb (or production.rb, test.rb, etc.)
config.after_initialize do
Disqus::defaults[:account] = "my_disqus_account"
# Optional, only if you're using the API
Disqus::defaults[:api_key] = "my_disqus_api_key"
Note that here the "after initialize" is necessary, otherwise your settings
won't be set properly.
===== Merb example:
in config/init.rb
Merb::BootLoader.after_app_loads do
Disqus::defaults[:account] = "my_disqus_account"
# Optional, only if you're using the API
Disqus::defaults[:api_key] = "my_disqus_api_key"
Note that here the "after_app_loads" is necessary, otherwise your settings
won't be set properly.
===== Options
:api_key => "" # your api key
:account => "", # your disqus account
:developer => false, # allows for threads to work on localhost
:container_id => 'disqus_thread', # desired thread container
:avatar_size => 48, # squared pixel size of avatars
:color => "grey", # theme color
:default_tab => "popular", # default widget tab
:hide_avatars => false, # hide or show avatars
:hide_mods => true, # hide or show moderation
:num_items => 15, # number of comments to display
:show_powered_by => true, # show or hide powered by line
:orientation => "horizontal" # comment orientation
==== Show the comment threads widget on a post page:
Or if you're not using Rails/Merb:
Or if you're not using Rails/Merb:
==== Show the combo widget on a post page:
disqus_combo(:color => "blue", :hide_mods => false, :num_items => 20)
Or for non-Rails/Merb:
Disqus::Widget::combo(:color => "blue", :hide_mods => false, :num_items => 20)
==== Show the comment count on a permalink:
link_to("Permalink", post_path(@post, :anchor => "disqus_thread"))
Or for non-Rails/Merb:
==== Work with the Disqus API:
See the Disqus::Api class for more info on the Disqus API. You can also read
the {Disqus developer info here}[http://disqus.com/docs/api/].
=== Hack it:
Github repository:
=== Submit bug reports:
Please use our {Lighthouse}[http://randomba.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16065-disqus/].
=== Learn more about Disqus:
=== Thanks to the following contributors:
=== Legal Stuff
The Disqus Ruby gem was not created by, nor is officially supported by
Disqus.com or Big Head Labs, Inc. Use it at your own risk and your own
responsibility under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2008 {Norman Clarke}[mailto:norman@randomba.org], released under
the MIT license