= NumericMath
== Overview
NumericMath extends the Numeric class with methods from Math
module. The purpose is to increase productivity when using Math module
methods interactively. Some might find the simpler approach convenient
also for actual programs.
For example, without NumericMath you take "sin" of 1.5 as:
Math.sin( 1.5 )
With NumericMath you do:
Math module includes many single argument methods, which take the form
as above. Two argument methods are mapped, so that first argument is
"self" and the second argument becomes the first and only parameter
for the new form.
For example, what is originally:
Math.log( 4, 2 )
is with NumericMath:
4.log( 2 )
The mapped methods are also usable as class methods, e.g:
Fixnum.sin( 2 )
The gem file name is "numeric_math", thus taking NumericMath into use requires:
require 'numeric_math'
Fixnum.sin( 0.12 )
== Mapped methods
List of single argument methods: cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan,
cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh, exp, log2, log10, sqrt, cbrt,
frexp, erf, erfc, gamma, lgamma.
List of two argument methods: atan2, log, hypot, ldexp.