Ruby support for Neovim.
Clean code, minimal dependecies, no frills, no wokeness.
I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time. --
Blaise Pascal
sudo gem uninstall neovim || true
sudo gem install nvim
You may prefer to also install the dependencies. Yet, this is not
neccessary, as they are small and Ruby-Nvim includes a copy of them.
sudo gem install supplement mplight
Command, Function and Autoload Plugins
Put this into a new buffer:
Neovim.plugin do |dsl|
dsl.command :SetLine, nargs: 1 do |client,(str)|
client.set_current_line str
dsl.function :Sum, nargs: 2, sync: true do |client,(x,y)|
x + y
dsl.autocmd :BufEnter, pattern: "*.rb" do |client|
client.command "echom 'Hello, Ruby!'"
Then run these Vim commands:
w ++p ~/.config/nvim/rplugin/ruby/demo.rb
" Check the generated manifest file
split ~/.local/share/nvim/rplugin.vim
help remote-plugin-manifest
Open a new Neovim and see what happens:
e dummy.rb
SetLine some text
echo Sum(13,7)
Calling the :ruby... Interface
The :ruby...
commands and the rubyeval()
function behave as descibed
in :h ruby
Files mentioned in the global variable g:ruby_require
will be loaded before
the first Ruby code will be run.
Additionally you can directly execute the buffers contents:
set number
1 class C
2 def f
3 :F
4 end
5 end
6 c =
:1,6ruby |
The last value, if it is not nil
, will be added through #inspect
a comment.
1 class C
2 def f
3 :F
4 end
5 end
6 c =
7 #=> #<C:0x000001b347456478>
The classes and variables will be preserved and are available during the
next call.
5 end
6 c =
7 #=> #<C:0x00001fd2fd1f89d0>
8 [ c.f, C]
:8ruby |
This results in:
7 #=> #<C:0x00001fd2fd1f89d0>
8 [ c.f, C]
9 #=> [:F, C]
The anonymous variable _
hold this last result.
Output will be added to the buffer, too.
1 puts "ba" + "na"*2
2 print "hell"
3 puts "o"
:%ruby |
Further, a simple number/cash summing tool is included.
Apples : 3.99
Bananas : 5 * 0.40 # multiplication
Oranges : 3.59 - 10% # percentage added (here subtracted)
Kiwi : 0,40 # comma is allowed
Coconut : 5,- # empty decimal places
# !dot # dot forced now
Tangerines: 4.44
# !comma # result with comma
:%ruby +
Modern rpcrequest() Calls
Put this into a new buffer:
require "neovim"
counter = 0
Neovim.start_remote do |dsl|
dsl.register_handler "rb_add" do |client,n|
counter += n
client.command "echo 'Counter value now is: '..#{counter}..'.'"
dsl.register_handler "rb_raise" do |client|
raise "Ouch!"
Then enter these Vim commands:
w demo_remote.rb
let chan = jobstart(['ruby','demo_remote.rb'], { 'rpc': v:true })
call rpcrequest(chan, 'rb_add', 7)
call rpcrequest(chan, 'rb_raise')
call jobstop(chan)
If you prefer, you can also use a shebang line.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "neovim"
Neovim.start_remote do |dsl|
Then enter these Vim commands:
w demo_remote.rb
!chmod +x %
let chan = jobstart('./demo_remote.rb', { 'rpc': v:true })
" proceed as above
Logging and Debugging
Logging is a easy as this:
nvim +'ruby puts "hi"*10'
If the logfile isn't an absoulte path and doesn't start with "./"
it will be relative to Neovim's stdpath("log")
To show the log levels, simply run in Neovim:
ruby puts Neovim::Logging::LEVELS.keys
If you are inside a Tmux, you might prefer to trace
the colored log in a split window.
tmux split-window -fhd 'echo -e "\e[33m==== $$ ==== `tty` ====\e[m" ; ln -sf `tty` /tmp/tmux-`id -u`/debug ; exec cat >/dev/null 2>&1'
export NVIM_RUBY_LOG_LEVEL=all NVIM_RUBY_LOG_FILE=/tmp/tmux-`id -u`/debug
nvim +'ruby puts "hi"*10'
You may start an interactive session and control a running Neovim through it.
Open Neovim specifying the --listen
nvim --listen /path/to/some.sock
or ask the running Neovim for its server name.
echo v:servername
Then connect to it. This requires the Intar gem.
$ intar -r neovim/remote
main:0:001> include Neovim
=> Object
main:0:002> Remote.start_client ConnectionUnix, "/path/to/some.sock" do |c|&
main:1:001> c.command "e /etc/passwd"
main:1:002> b = c.get_current_buf
=> #<Neovim::Buffer:400 1>
main:1:003> b[1]
=> ["root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/sh"]
main:1:004> \q!!
Miscellaneous Tools
Put text into an X selection or a TMux register.
let g:ruby_require = "neovim/tools/copy"
'<,'>ruby xsel $lines
'<,'>ruby xsel! $ines
'<,'>ruby tmuxbuf $lines
Make a hex dump.
ruby <<EOT
require "neovim/foreign/xxd"
bn = $curbuf.get_name
$vim.command :new bn do |b| b do |l| $vim.put [l], "l", false, true end end