= vizres
Enables rendering of the body of an HTTP response from inside a functional test.
This makes it easy to diagnose problems when building assert_select statements
or just sanity check the output of the test.
== Installation
vizres uses git for source control. You can install the gem directly:
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com (you only have to do this once)
sudo gem install pelargir-vizres
Or clone the project:
git clone git://github.com/pelargir/vizres.git vendor/plugins/vizres
To use with a Rails 2.1 app, edit the environment.rb file and add an
entry for the gem to the Rails::Initializer config block.
== Usage
Insert the vr method in your functional test immediately after an HTTP
request has been sent:
def test_new
post :new
assert_select "div[id=header]"
vr attempts to open the response body in the default web browser. If you want
to open the raw HTML in the default text editor instead, simply pass the :html
symbol to the method:
def test_new
post :new
By default, vr looks for an instance variable named @response and calls the #body
method on it. If your page body is stored in a different variable, such as when
testing a mailer, you can pass the raw HTML directly to vr and it will do the
right thing:
def test_mailer
mail = Mailer.create_notification
Note that to use the default web view, your Rails application must be running
locally on port 3000. This will ensure that the page renders correctly with the
appropriate images and stylesheets. The server doesn't need to be running if
you use the HTML-only view.
== Compatibility
vizres requires OS X. Support for Windows is planned.
test/spec and test/unit work fine with vizres. RSpec, however, tests views
independently of controllers, so vizres won't work with it.
If Subversion is installed and accessible on the command line, the temporary
files generated by vizres will automatically be marked and ignored by
Subversion on check-in.
== Running Unit Tests
Use the rake command to run the unit tests for the plugin. The tests require
that the Mocha gem be installed locally:
sudo gem install mocha
== Resources
Repository: http://github.com/pelargir/vizres/
Blog: http://matthewbass.com
Author: Matthew Bass