PipeDream allows you to easily search YouTube by providing a simple wrapper
around YouTube's official APIs. What sets PipeDream apart from other options, is
that it has no dependencies outside the Ruby standard library. This makes it easy
to include in projects where you can't easily bundle dependencies, such as in an
Alfred workflow.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'pipe_dream'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install pipe_dream
Before you begin using PipeDream to perform searches, you will have to configure
it with your developer API key. You can create a new API key using the
Google Cloud Console. Once you have created your key, configure PipeDream with
it like this:
PipeDream.configure do |config|
config.api_key = '<your-api-key>'
Now you can begin searching! Here is a basic example of how you can perform a search:
req = PipeDream::Request.new('redlettermedia')
res = PipeDream::Response.new(req.get)
items = res.items
channel = items.first
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[goronfreeman]/pipe_dream.