PulpOstreeClient::ContentCommitsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/commits/ | List ostree commits |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentCommitsApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_commit_href} | Inspect an ostree commit |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentConfigsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/configs/ | List ostree configs |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentConfigsApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_config_href} | Inspect an ostree config |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentContentApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/content/ | Create an ostree content |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentContentApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/content/ | List ostree contents |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentContentApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_content_href} | Inspect an ostree content |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentObjectsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/objects/ | List ostree objects |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentObjectsApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_object_href} | Inspect an ostree object |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentRefsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/refs/ | List ostree refs |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentRefsApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_ref_href} | Inspect an ostree ref |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentSummariesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ostree/summaries/ | List ostree summarys |
PulpOstreeClient::ContentSummariesApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_summary_href} | Inspect an ostree summary |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | add_role | POST {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ostree/ostree/ | Create an ostree distribution |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | delete | DELETE {ostree_ostree_distribution_href} | Delete an ostree distribution |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ostree/ostree/ | List ostree distributions |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | list_roles | GET {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | my_permissions | GET {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | partial_update | PATCH {ostree_ostree_distribution_href} | Update an ostree distribution |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_distribution_href} | Inspect an ostree distribution |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | remove_role | POST {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | set_label | POST {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | unset_label | POST {ostree_ostree_distribution_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpOstreeClient::DistributionsOstreeApi | update | PUT {ostree_ostree_distribution_href} | Update an ostree distribution |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | add_role | POST {ostree_ostree_remote_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ostree/ostree/ | Create an ostree remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | delete | DELETE {ostree_ostree_remote_href} | Delete an ostree remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ostree/ostree/ | List ostree remotes |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | list_roles | GET {ostree_ostree_remote_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | my_permissions | GET {ostree_ostree_remote_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | partial_update | PATCH {ostree_ostree_remote_href} | Update an ostree remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_remote_href} | Inspect an ostree remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | remove_role | POST {ostree_ostree_remote_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | set_label | POST {ostree_ostree_remote_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | unset_label | POST {ostree_ostree_remote_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpOstreeClient::RemotesOstreeApi | update | PUT {ostree_ostree_remote_href} | Update an ostree remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | add_role | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}add_role/ | Add a role |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ostree/ostree/ | Create an ostree repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | delete | DELETE {ostree_ostree_repository_href} | Delete an ostree repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | import_all | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}import_all/ | Import refs and commits to a repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | import_commits | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}import_commits/ | Append child commits to a repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ostree/ostree/ | List ostree repositorys |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | list_roles | GET {ostree_ostree_repository_href}list_roles/ | List roles |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | modify | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}modify/ | Modify repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | my_permissions | GET {ostree_ostree_repository_href}my_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | partial_update | PATCH {ostree_ostree_repository_href} | Update an ostree repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_repository_href} | Inspect an ostree repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | remove_role | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}remove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | set_label | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}set_label/ | Set a label |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | sync | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}sync/ | Sync from remote |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | unset_label | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_href}unset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeApi | update | PUT {ostree_ostree_repository_href} | Update an ostree repository |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeVersionsApi | delete | DELETE {ostree_ostree_repository_version_href} | Delete a repository version |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeVersionsApi | list | GET {ostree_ostree_repository_href}versions/ | List repository versions |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeVersionsApi | read | GET {ostree_ostree_repository_version_href} | Inspect a repository version |
PulpOstreeClient::RepositoriesOstreeVersionsApi | repair | POST {ostree_ostree_repository_version_href}repair/ | |