Rack Firebase Middleware
A rack middleware for verifying ID tokens from Google's Firebase. It provides token decoding and verification using Firebase's 3rd Party Verification constraints.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem "rack-firebase"
And execute
$ bundle
Or, install it yourself:
$ gem install rack-firebase
Configure your Firebase Project ID(s):
Rack::Firebase.configure do |config|
config.project_ids = ["your-project-id"]
Add the middleware to your rack application:
use Rack::Firebase::Middleware
Now, all incoming requests will require a verified Firebase token.
While just adding the middleware to your app will block requests without a verified token, your app will still need to handle the connection between the token and the subject in your application.
In order to facilitate this, the Subject claim (Device or User UID) is added to the request env before yielding to your app layer.
For example, assuming your User's model has a uid
attribute for storing Firebase UID's:
def current_user
return @current_user if defined? @current_user
uid = request.env[Rack::Firebase::Middleware::USER_UID]
if uid
@current_user = User.find_by(uid: uid)
def user_signed_in?
def authenticate_user!
unless user_signed_in?
From here, you can invoke authenticate_user!
to ensure the token subject is actually a user in your application and use current_user
to scope your requests or handle more granular authorization.
In order to test your authenticated routes, you'll need to provide a valid token in the authorization header.
Since Firebase typically issues signed tokens using their certificates, this can make it difficult to test your authenticated routes with valid tokens.
As such, some test helpers are provided to help faciliate automated testing.
Note: For manual testing, it is recommended to create a test-specific user in your Firebase project and test the full authentication flow with your routes.
Mocking requests for public keys
There are two options for mocking the requests from Google; choose the one that best fits your testing library and needs:
- Explicitly start and stop firebase mocks, or
- Wrap each example that needs to be mocked.
require "rack/firebase/test_helpers"
describe "your request specs" do
before { Rack::Firebase::TestHelpers.mock_start }
after { Rack::Firebase::TestHelpers.mock_end }
around(:example) do |example|
Rack::Firebase::TestHelpers.mock_signature_verification do
Optionally, you can pass minutes as a number to mock_start
to overwrite when the cache key should be refreshed. By default, this is set to 5000
, or approximately 83 minutes.
Generating Tokens
A test helper is provided that will generate a valid token and add it to your request headers for your specs.
require "rack/firebase/test_helpers"
it "tests something" do
user = fetch_user()
headers = { "Accept" => "application/json", "Content-Type" => "application/json" }
auth_headers = Rack::Firebase::TestHelpers.auth_headers(headers, user.uid)
get "/", headers: auth_headers
expect(last_response).to be_ok
By default, the token will be created using the first project ID provided in your configuration. If your app is configured for multiple projects and you wish to test one of the other projects, you can optionally add the aud
to the arguments:
Rack::Firebase::TestHelpers.auth_headers(headers, user.uid, aud: "different-project")
There is a fourth arg that takes a hash of options that will let you alter the payload.
Caution: it is possible for provided options to produce invalid tokens.
argument | description | default |
email | User's email address used for authentication. Added to the payload as email and included in the array of email identities in firebase.identities.email | test@test.com |
verified | Denotes if the email used to sign in is verified by the user | false |
auth_time | The last authentication time recorded by Google | Current time |
iat | Denotes the time the token was issued. When iat is provided, but not an auth time, the auth time is also set to the iat time. | Current time |
exp | Denotes when the token expires | Current time + 5000 |
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.
This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration. All contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.