:ship: :boom: Battleship :boom: :ship:
The objective of this task is to build a battleship game for two players in Ruby in a terminal.
The code design follows the single responsibility principle by using a dedicated class for any specific task.
Install the gem from your shell:
gem install battleship
The gem includes a single binary you can use to start a new game:
******* 1° round
******* Player 1 turn
place small (3x1) ship on grid by specifying coordinates and cardinal point separated by spaces (ie 1 3 SE):
The gem is covered, where possible, by fast, isolated unit testing:gem is covered, where possible, by fast, isolated unit testing. Execute them all by:
bundle exec rake
Kata objectives
- :warning: You should not require any gems aside from ones to help you write any tests (rspec, minitest...). :warning:
- Your code must be tested as much as possible.
- Each step must be 100% done before moving to the next. We won't take into account any part done in advance.
- You should explain how to run your game (and the tests) in a README.md file in the root of your project.
1st step - Board setup
The game is played on 5x5 grids (one per player). Your first task is to set the game up:
- Players have 2 ships each to place on their grid. A small ship (3x1 side) and large one (4x1 size)
- Players are asked in turn to place their ships on their board (ie: interactively)
- A ship can't be placed out of bounds nor on the same space as another ship.
2nd step - Gameplay setup
Once all the ships are placed the game begins! Now you have to set the gameplay mechanisms up:
- Players take turns to shoot at the opponent grid one after the other by selecting coordinates.
- Each shot receives a Hit, Miss or Sink response.
- The winner is the player who sinks all of their opponent ships first
3rd step - Gameplay improvements
At this point the game works and we'd like some improvements of some of its mechanisms:
- Starting player is determined at random.
- If a shot attempt is made out of bounds the game offers a retry.
- When the game is finished it gives the option to play again.
4th step - Bonus
This part is here to spice things up! :boom: We'd like to have these features added to the game:
- Ships can now be placed diagonally.
- If a player misses a shot 3 times in a row the game gives a hint of a valid shot.
- The game now works in a "Best of 3" match mode:
If player 1 wins the first game, the match is not over yet because player 2 can still win the 2 other games and win the match.
If player 1 wins first 2 consecutive games, then the other player can possibly win 1 game maximum, which is not sufficient to beat the 2 games won by player 1.
If each player won 1 of the first 2 games then the third game is played. Whoever wins the third game is declared winner of the match.