Riemann Aged Process Monitoring
Utility for monitoring processes that have been running too long or are hung.
The process monitoring was built to keep track of sub processes spawned by our CD tooling that would get hung and then, over time, impede the ability for similar processes to get kicked off (since the tool would 'see' that the same process was already running). It applies three filters on the Process tree and, if any processes match those filters, will then report back the number, a description that includes the details of the processes and mark the setup as 'critical'.
./riemann-aged-process-monitor --host riemann.server.host --port port --age '5d' --username 'jenkins' --process 'svn'
- host - Riemann server host ip or hostname
- port - Riemann server event collection port
- age - Process age to filter on
- username - Process owner to filter on
- process - Process name to filter on
In the case above, a 'critical' event would be sent if any svn processes, owned by jenkins that are older than 5 days were found. Otherwise 'ok' events are sent.