Getting Started with BATester
The generated code depends on a few Ruby gems. The references to these gems are added in the gemspec file. The easiest way to resolve the dependencies, build the gem and install it is through Rake:
- Install Rake if not already installed:
gem install rake
- Install Bundler if not already installed:
gem install bundler
- From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
- Invoke:
rake install
Alternatively, you can build and install the gem manually:
- From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
- Run the build command:
gem build ba_tester.gemspec
- Run the install command:
gem install ba_tester-1.0.0.gem

The following section explains how to use the ba_tester ruby gem in a new Rails project using RubyMine™. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.
1. Starting a new project
Close any existing projects in RubyMine™ by selecting File -> Close Project
. Next, click on Create New Project
to create a new project from scratch.

Next, provide TestApp
as the project name, choose Rails Application
as the project type, and click OK

In the next dialog make sure that the correct Ruby SDK is being used (>= 2.5.0 and < 3.0.0) and click OK

2. Add reference of the gem
In order to use the Tester gem in the new project we must add a gem reference. Locate the Gemfile
in the Project Explorer window under the TestApp
project node. The file contains references to all gems being used in the project. Here, add the reference to the library gem by adding the following line: gem 'ba_tester', '1.0.0'

3. Adding a new Rails Controller
Once the TestApp
project is created, a folder named controllers
will be visible in the Project Explorer under the following path: TestApp > app > controllers
. Right click on this folder and select New -> Run Rails Generator...

Selecting the said option will popup a small window where the generator names are displayed. Here, select the controller

Next, a popup window will ask you for a Controller name and included Actions. For controller name provide Hello
and include an action named Index
and click OK

A new controller class named HelloController
will be created in a file named hello_controller.rb
containing a method named Index
. In this method, add code for initialization and a sample for its usage.

Test the SDK
To run the tests, navigate to the root directory of the SDK in your terminal and execute the following command:
Initialize the API Client
Note: Documentation for the client can be found here.
The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:
Parameter | Type | Description |
basic_auth_user_name | String | The username to use with basic authentication |
basic_auth_password | String | The password to use with basic authentication |
port | String | Default: '80' |
suites | SuiteCodeEnum | Default: SuiteCodeEnum::HEARTS |
environment | Environment | The API environment. Default: Environment.TESTING |
http_client_instance | HttpClient | The Http Client passed from the sdk user for making requests |
timeout | Float | The value to use for connection timeout. Default: 60 |
max_retries | Integer | The number of times to retry an endpoint call if it fails. Default: 0 |
retry_interval | Float | Pause in seconds between retries. Default: 1 |
backoff_factor | Float | The amount to multiply each successive retry's interval amount by in order to provide backoff. Default: 2 |
retry_statuses | Array | A list of HTTP statuses to retry. Default: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524] |
retry_methods | Array | A list of HTTP methods to retry. Default: %i[get put] |
The API client can be initialized as follows:
client =
basic_auth_user_name: 'BasicAuthUserName',
basic_auth_password: 'BasicAuthPassword',
environment: Environment::TESTING,
port: '80',
suites: SuiteCodeEnum::HEARTS,
The SDK can be configured to use a different environment for making API calls. Available environments are:
Name | Description |
production | - |
testing | Default |
This API uses Basic Authentication
List of APIs
Classes Documentation