this fork is for the purpose of hooking into DataMapper::Resource instead of ActiveRecord::Base.
what's the merb/dm equivalent of ENV['MODELS']? (in rake task). apart from that I think the port is complete.
= merb_dm_xss_terminate
Plugin that auto-sanitizes data before it is saved in your DataMapper models.
merb_dm_xss_terminate is a port of merb_xss_terminate by Ben Chiu, which is
a port of xss_terminate by Luke Francl. The white list sanitizer and full
sanitizer were lifted from Rails so you don't have to install ActionPack.
merb_dm_xss_terminate makes stripping and sanitizing HTML automatic. Install
and forget. And forget about remembering to escape your output, because you
won't need to anymore. Just remember the cases where html is allowed.
By default, it will strip all HTML tags from user input. But merb_dm_xss_terminate
is also flexible. When you need users to be able to enter HTML, the plugin
allows you remove bad HTML with your choice of two whitelist-based sanitizers,
or to skip HTML sanitization entirely on a per-field basis.
== Installation
git clone git://
cd merb_xss_terminate
rake install
add: dependency 'merb_dm_xss_terminate' to init.rb
== HTML sanitization
- Full-sanitizer: removes all HTML by stripping all the tags. Tags are
removed, but their content is not.
- White-list sanitizer: removes bad HTML with Rails' HTML sanitizer methods.
Bad tags are removed completely, including their content.
- HTML5lib sanitization: removes bad HTML after parsing it with
{HTML5lib}[], a library that parses HTML
like browsers do. It should be very tolerant of invalid HTML. Bad tags are
escaped, not removed.
- Do nothing. You can chose not to process given fields.
== Usage
Installing the plugin creates a +before :save+ hook that will strip HTML tags
from all string and text fields. No further configuration is necessary if this
is what you want. To customize the behavior, you use the xss_terminate
class method in your models.
To exempt some fields from sanitization, use the :except option
with a list of fields not to process. Note: Merb uses :exclude but use :except here.
class Comment
xss_terminate :except => [ :body ]
To sanitize HTML with Rails' sanitization, use the :sanitize option:
class Review
xss_terminate :sanitize => [ :body, :author_name]
To sanitize HTML with {HTML5Lib}[]
use the :html5lib_sanitize option with a list of fields to sanitize:
class Entry
xss_terminate :html5lib_sanitize => [ :body, :author_name ]
You can combine multiple options if you have some fields you would like skipped
and others sanitized. Fields not listed in the option arrays will be stripped.
class Message
xss_terminate :except => [ :body ], :sanitize => [ :title ]
== Sanitizing existing records
After installing merb_xss_terminate and configuring it to your liking, you can
run rake merb_xss_terminate:db:sanitize MODELS=Foo,Bar,Baz to execute
it against your existing records. This will load each model found and save it
again to invoke the before_save hook.
== Credits
merb_xss_terminate by {Ben Chiu}
xss_terminate by {Luke Francl}[] and acts_as_sanitized by
{Alex Payne}[].
HTML5Lib sanitization by {Jacques Distler}[].