Scoped Traversal
A simple way to define next and previous relationships in an ActiveRecord model.
For example, if you have a list of articles
, and you want to be able to traverse them with
and article.previous
Add to your Gemfile and run the bundle
command to install it.
gem "scoped_traversal"
Requires Ruby 1.9.2 or later.
In your model, call rank_by and pass in a column name.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
traverse_by :score
You can then traverse them with the following methods:
You can also add an optional namespace, like so:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
traverse_by :score, :namespace => true
traverse_by :created_at, :namespace => :oldest
You can then traverse them with the following methods:
Questions or problems? Please post them on the issue tracker. You can contribute changes by forking the project and submitting a pull request. You can ensure the tests passing by running bundle
and rake
This gem is created by Wil Gieseler and is under the MIT License.